#!/bin/sh ############################################################################### # +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | Copyright (C) 2007 S&L Netzwerktechnik | # | | # | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | # | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | # | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | # | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | # | | # | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | # | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | # | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | # | GNU General Public License for more details. | # +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # |Monitoring Solution: The Complete Network Monitoring Solution :) | # +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | This code is designed, written, and maintained by the Serge Mueller/ S&L| # +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | http://www.monitoring-solution.de/ | # +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ############################################################################### # # check_snmp_printer - printer/consumables monitoring plugin for Nagios # Version: 0.1.0 # ############################################################################### # # CHANGE LOG # # 2007-05-23 - Script creation # 2007-06-06 - Added CONSUM ALL functionality # ############################################################################### # # COMMENTS # The Papertray stuff may need some attention... # Most printers' output sucks there # # ############################################################################### # # DEPENDS On # snmpwalk - if needet change variable below # snmpget - see above # ############################################################################### HOSTIP=$1 COMMUNITY=$2 SNMPGET="/usr/bin/snmpget" SNMPWALK="/usr/bin/snmpwalk" function fmodel(){ MODEL=`$SNMPGET -v 1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP host.hrDevice.hrDeviceTable.hrDeviceEntry.hrDeviceDescr.1 2>/dev/null|cut -d " " -f4-` echo $MODEL exit 0 } function fmessages(){ MESSAGES=`$SNMPWALK -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP|cut -d " " -f4- |tr -d "\""|tr -d "\n"` echo $MESSAGES exit 0 } function fpagecount(){ PC=`$SNMPGET -v 1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP 2>/dev/null|cut -d " " -f4-` echo "OK Pagecount is $PC|Pages=$PC;;;" exit 0 } function fconsumables(){ ##testfrage if [ "$1" = "TEST" ] then echo -e "Consumables you may Monitor:" $SNMPWALK -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP 2>/dev/null |cut -d " " -f4- #echo -e $OUTPUT exit 0 else ###massenabfrage if [ "$1" = "ALL" ] then EXITCODE=0 EXITSTRING='' PERFDAT='' for ID in `$SNMPWALK -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP 2>/dev/null |egrep -oe '[[:digit:]]+\ ='|cut -d " " -f1` do NAME=`$SNMPGET -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP$ID 2>/dev/null |cut -d " " -f4- |tr -d "\""` if [ -z "$NAME" ] then echo "Error OID not found,maybe your Printer does not support checking this device, call me with Option CONSUM TEST or see help" exit 3 fi STATUS=`$SNMPGET -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP$ID 2>/dev/null |cut -d " " -f4- |tr -d "\""` FULL=`$SNMPGET -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP$ID 2>/dev/null |cut -d " " -f4- |tr -d "\""` ####debug #echo found $ID with name $NAME , full state: $FULL , actual state: $STATUS if [ "$FULL" -gt 0 ] && [ "$STATUS" -gt 0 ] then let "STATUS= $STATUS * 100 / $FULL" if [ "$STATUS" -gt "30" ] then EXITSTRING="$EXITSTRING OK,$NAME is at $STATUS%" PERFDAT="$PERFDAT $NAME=$STATUS;;$FULL;" else if [ "$STATUS" -lt "30" ] && [ "$STATUS" -gt "10" ] then EXITSTRING="$EXITSTRING, WARNING,$NAME is at $STATUS%" PERFDAT="$PERFDAT $NAME=$STATUS;;$FULL;" if [ "$EXITCODE" -lt 1 ] then EXITCODE=1 fi else if [ "$STATUS" -lt "10" ] then EXITSTRING="$EXITSTRING CRITICAL,$NAME is at $STATUS%" PERFDAT="$PERFDAT $NAME=$STATUS;;$FULL;" EXITCODE=2 fi fi fi else if [ "$STATUS" = "-3" ] then EXITSTRING="$EXITSTRING OK,$NAME is FULL" else if [ "$STATUS" = "-2" ] then EXITSTRING="$EXITSTRING WARNING,$NAME is at WARNING Level" if [ "$EXITCODE" -lt 1 ] then EXITCODE=1 fi else if [ "$STATUS" = "0" ] then EXITSTRING="$EXITSTRING CRITICAL,$NAME is at CRITICAL Level" EXITCODE=2 fi fi fi fi done echo "$EXITSTRING|$PERFDAT" exit $EXITCODE ###einzelne abfrage else ID=`$SNMPWALK -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP 2>/dev/null |egrep -i -e "$1"|cut -d "=" -f1|cut -d "." -f8` fi fi NAME=`$SNMPGET -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP$ID 2>/dev/null |cut -d " " -f4- |tr -d "\""` if [ -z "$NAME" ] then echo "Error OID not found,maybe your Printer does not support checking this device, call me with Option CONSUM TEST or see help" exit 3 fi STATUS=`$SNMPGET -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP$ID 2>/dev/null |cut -d " " -f4- |tr -d "\""` FULL=`$SNMPGET -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP$ID 2>/dev/null |cut -d " " -f4- |tr -d "\""` if [ "$FULL" -gt 0 ] && [ "$STATUS" -gt 0 ] then let "STATUS= $STATUS * 100 / $FULL" if [ "$STATUS" -gt "30" ] then echo "OK,$NAME is at $STATUS%|$NAME=$STATUS;;$FULL;" exit 0 else if [ "$STATUS" -lt "30" ] && [ "$STATUS" -gt "10" ] then echo "WARNING,$NAME is at $STATUS%|$NAME=$STATUS;;$FULL;" exit 1 else if [ "$STATUS" -lt "10" ] then echo "CRITICAL,$NAME is at $STATUS%|$NAME=$STATUS;;$FULL;" exit 2 fi fi fi else if [ "$STATUS" = "-3" ] then echo "$NAME is OK" exit 0 else if [ "$STATUS" = "-2" ] then echo "$NAME is at warning level" exit 1 else if [ "$STATUS" = "0" ] then echo "$NAME is at critical level" exit 2 fi fi fi fi } function fpaper1(){ PAPERSTATUS1=`$SNMPGET -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP|cut -d " " -f4- |tr -d "\""` if [ "$PAPERSTATUS1" = "-3" ] then echo "TRAY1 is OK" exit 0 else if [ "$PAPERSTATUS1" = "-2" ] then echo "TRAY1 is at warning level" exit 1 else if [ "$PAPERSTATUS1" = "0" ] then echo "TRAY1 is at critical level" exit 2 fi fi fi } function fpaper2(){ PAPERSTATUS2=`$SNMPGET -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP|cut -d " " -f4- |tr -d "\""` if [ "$PAPERSTATUS2" = "-3" ] then echo "TRAY2 is OK" exit 0 else if [ "$PAPERSTATUS2" = "-2" ] then echo "TRAY2 is at warning level" exit 1 else if [ "$PAPERSTATUS2" = "0" ] then echo "TRAY2 is at critical level" exit 2 fi fi fi } function fpaper3(){ PAPERSTATUS3=`$SNMPGET -v1 -c $COMMUNITY $HOSTIP|cut -d " " -f4- |tr -d "\""` if [ "$PAPERSTATUS3" = "-3" ] then echo "TRAY3 is OK" exit 0 else if [ "$PAPERSTATUS3" = "-2" ] then echo "TRAY3 is at warning level" exit 1 else if [ "$PAPERSTATUS3" = "0" ] then exit "TRAY3 is at critical level" exit 2 fi fi fi } function ferror(){ echo usage is: echo "$0 " echo " where CHECK can be:" echo -e " MESSAGES" echo -e " MODEL" echo -e " CONSUM TEST" echo -e " CONSUM ALL" echo -e " CONSUM " echo -e " PAPER1" echo -e " PAPER2" echo -e " PAPER3" echo -e " PAGECOUNT" echo -e "CONSUM TEST, will give you the exact Names of installed Consumables like:" echo -e "\"Black Toner Cartridge HP C4191A\"" echo -e "For monitoring this consumable you'll call me like this:" echo -e "$0 CONSUM black" echo -e "The string just needs to be unique" echo -e "CONSUM ALL will give you all the Stuff at once..." } if [ "$#" -lt 3 ] then ferror exit 3 fi if [ "$3" = "MESSAGES" ] then fmessages else if [ "$3" = "MODEL" ] then fmodel else if [ "$3" = "CONSUM" ] then fconsumables $4 else if [ "$3" = "PAPER1" ] then fpaper1 else if [ "$3" = "PAPER2" ] then fpaper2 else if [ "$3" = "PAPER3" ] then fpaper3 else if [ "$3" = "PAGECOUNT" ] then fpagecount else if [ "$3" = "TEST" ] then fconsumables $3 else ferror exit 3 fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi echo UNKNOWN something went wrong whilst checking the stats exit 3