#!/usr/bin/perl -w # ============================================================================ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # ============================================================================ # Portions Copyright (C) R3dL!GhT 2007. # Modifications Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Fuerstenau, mf_at_maerber.de # # Purpose: # SNMP check for cisco devices (routers/switches) returning state of different interfaces. # # Changes: # # - 18.5.2009 - Martin Fuerstenau # Bugfix - The cachefile was not generated when the original one was deleted # - 25.7.2008 - Martin Fuerstenau (JeanLuc) # On bigger switches the plugin was too slow due to the fact that it did multiple snmpwalks # On a switch with over 350 ports that caused a timeout in Nagios. # # Problem was solved by implementing a cache mechanism. This was done in the following manner. # # You need a directory for the cache files. It is best to do it with a tmpfs because a tmpfs is # opposite to a ramdisk swapable. # # Sample entry from /etc/fstab: # # tmpfs /var/nagios_plugin_cache tmpfs defaults 0 0 # # Please change variable $CachePath for a different location # # Unforunately I use some systemcalls for executing system commands. This is a little bit dirty # but every snmp call in this script was done be a system call instead of using perl. A complete # rewrite was too much work for the time I had to solve my problems. # # The function snmpwalkgrep, snmpwalk and some lines of code were kicked out because they were # no longer necessary # # The script does a find in the cache directory for the cache file. If it is too old (-mtime) or # not existent it will be generated. OIDs, interface names and descriptions are store in the cache # That means the double walk will be done only every 2 days instead of every run # # Synopsis: # # check_cisco_snmp -H ip -C community -I interface -S state (optional) # # ============================================================================ ###################Setting up some parameters######################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; my $UNKNOW = -1; my $OK = 0; my $WARNING = 1; my $CRITICAL = 2; my $state = "up"; my $host = ""; my $HELP = ""; my $community = "public"; my $warning = "1000"; my $critical = "2000"; my $interface = ""; my $MIBifDescr="IF-MIB::ifDescr"; my $MIBifOper="IF-MIB::ifOperStatus"; my $MIBifName="IF-MIB::ifName"; my $MIBifLastChange="IF-MIB::ifLastChange"; my $MIBTrafficIn="IF-MIB::ifInOctets"; my $MIBTrafficOut="IF-MIB::ifOutOctets"; my $MIBDescription="IF-MIB::ifAlias"; my $CachePath="/var/nagios_plugin_cache/"; my $GENERATE_IT=0; my $Cache_Valid=""; sub wanted; ###################Getting options############################## Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions( "host|H=s" => \$host, "community|C=s" => \$community, "interface|I=s" => \$interface, "help" => \$HELP, "h" => \$HELP, "state|S=s" =>\$state ); chomp($host); chomp($community); chomp($interface); chomp($state); ################### Check input ############################################## if (!$host) { print "\nHostname/address not specified\n\n"; print_usage(); exit 2; } if (!$interface) { print "\nInterface not specified\n\n"; print_usage(); exit 2; } if ($HELP) { print_help(); exit 0; } ################### Setting up the cache ############################################## my $CacheFile=$CachePath.$host."_cache"; my $CacheFileTmp=$CachePath.$host."_cache.tmp"; # Unfortunately some system calls # If find has a hit the cache is too old $Cache_Valid = `find $CacheFile -mtime +99 2>/dev/null`; chomp($Cache_Valid); if ( $Cache_Valid eq $CacheFile) { `snmpwalk -c $community -v 2c $host IF-MIB::ifDescr | awk -F: '{print \$3,\$4'} | sed 's\/ifDescr.\/\/' | awk '{print \$1,\$4}' > $CacheFile`; `snmpwalk -c $community -v 2c $host IF-MIB::ifName | awk -F: '{print \$3,\$4'} | sed 's\/ifName.\/\/' | awk '{print \$1,\$4}' >> $CacheFile`; `sort $CacheFile > $CacheFileTmp`; `mv $CacheFileTmp $CacheFile`; } # If find has now a hit everything is fine. Otherwise the cache is missing and must be generated $Cache_Valid = `find $CacheFile 2>/dev/null`; chomp($Cache_Valid); if ( $Cache_Valid eq "" || !$Cache_Valid) { `snmpwalk -c $community -v 2c $host IF-MIB::ifDescr | awk -F: '{print \$3,\$4'} | sed 's\/ifDescr.\/\/' | awk '{print \$1,\$4}' > $CacheFile`; `snmpwalk -c $community -v 2c $host IF-MIB::ifName | awk -F: '{print \$3,\$4'} | sed 's\/ifName.\/\/' | awk '{print \$1,\$4}' >> $CacheFile`; `sort $CacheFile > $CacheFileTmp`; `mv $CacheFileTmp $CacheFile`; } my $oid = `grep \" \"$interface\$ $CacheFile | awk '{print \$1}'`; chomp($oid); my $tree="IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.$oid"; my $return=snmpget($host, $community, $tree); if ($return =~ /up/ && $state eq "up") { my $LastChange= snmpget($host, $community, "$MIBifLastChange"."\.".$oid); my $Alias= snmpget($host, $community, "$MIBDescription"."\.".$oid); my $TrafficIn =snmpget($host, $community, "$MIBTrafficIn"."\.".$oid); my $TrafficOut=snmpget($host, $community, "$MIBTrafficOut"."\.".$oid); my $LastChangeCleaned=CleanMe($LastChange); my $AliasCleaned=CleanMe($Alias); my $TrafficInCleaned=CleanMe($TrafficIn); my $TrafficOutCleaned=CleanMe($TrafficOut); print "$interface up: $AliasCleaned, LastChanges: $LastChangeCleaned, Traffic in : $TrafficInCleaned octets, out: $TrafficOutCleaned octets\n"; exit $OK; } if ($return =~ /down/ && $state eq "up") { print "$interface is down\n"; exit $CRITICAL; } if ($return =~ /down/ && $state eq "down") { print "$interface down : ok\n"; exit $OK; } if ($return =~ /up/ && $state eq "down") { print "$interface should not be up\n"; exit $CRITICAL; } if ($return =~ /dormant/ && $state eq "down" || $return =~ /dormant/ && $state eq "up") { print "Error : $interface is sleeping\n"; exit $CRITICAL; } if ($return =~ /dormant/ && $state eq "dormant") { print "$interface is sleeping : ok\n"; exit $OK } if ($return =~ /up/ && $state eq "dormant") { print "$interface is up and should be sleeping\n"; exit $CRITICAL; } else { print "Unknown state for $interface : check your -s state syntax\n"; exit $UNKNOW; } sub CleanMe { my $input=$_[0]; if ($input =~ /: (.*)/) { my $return=$1; chomp($return); return $return; } } sub snmpget { my ($host, $community, $tree)=@_; my $get = `snmpget -v 1 -c $community $host $tree`; chomp($get); return $get; } sub print_usage { print "\nUsage: check_cisco_snmp -H ip -C community -I interface -S state (optional)\n\n"; print "or\n"; print "\nUsage: check_cisco_snmp -h for help.\n\n"; } sub print_help { print "Copyright (c) 2008 Martin Fuerstenau\n"; print "Portions Copyright (C) R3dL!GhT 2007\n"; print "SNMP check for cisco devices (routers/switches) returning state of different interfaces"; print_usage(); print " -H or --host Set here the ip of your host\n"; print " -C or --community Set here your own community\n\n"; print " -I or --interface Set here the interface u want to check (Use the same syntax as\n"; print " for cisco devices, for exemple FastEthernet1/0/1, Fa2/0/3 or Fa0)\n\n"; print " -S or --state Set the state of your interface. Options are : up/down/dormant\n\n"; print " -h, --help Short help message\n\n"; print "Example\n\n"; print "Wanna check Fa2/0/1 is up on your switch ?\n"; print "./check_cisco_snmp -H -C public -I Fa2/0/1\n"; print "or\n"; print "./check_cisco_snmp -H -C public -I FastEthernet2/0/1\n"; print "To check your FastEthernet0 is down on your router :\n"; print "./check_cisco_snmp -H -C MyCommunity -I FastEthernet0 (or Fa0) -S down\n"; print "To check your Backup RNIS BRIO:1 is dormant on your router:\n"; print "./check_cisco_snmp -H -C MyCommunity -I BRI0:1 -S down\n"; print "State option are : up (-S up), down (-S down), dormant (-S dormant). State is set to up if not defined.\n\n"; print "This plugin uses the 'snmpget' command included with the NET-SNMP package.\n"; print "If you don't have the package installed, you will need to download it from\n"; print "http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net before you can use this plugin.\n\n"; print "\n"; }