#!/usr/local/bin/perl ## # check_sip - (c) 2005-2006 O'Shaughnessy Evans # # Check the responsiveness of a SIP server. # # $Id: check_sip,v 1.5 2006/09/29 22:48:07 shaug Exp $ # # Requires sipsak; see sipsak.org for more info. ## require 5.004; use strict; use POSIX; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use Sys::Hostname; use lib '/usr/local/libexec/nagios'; use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support); use vars qw($ME $VERSION $Contact $Expires %Flags $Help $Host $Contact_Host $Password $Port $Proxy $REG_Mode @Sipsak_Cmd $Usage $User $URI $Verbose); BEGIN { $VERSION = '0.'. (split(' ', '$Id: check_sip,v 1.5 2006/09/29 22:48:07 shaug Exp $'))[2]; $ME = 'check_sip'; # command to get connection state; 1st %s is for extra args, second is SIP URI @Sipsak_Cmd = qw(sipsak --nagios-code -v); $User = ''; $Password = ''; $Port = 5060; $Proxy = ''; $Expires = 300; $Contact_Host = hostname(); $REG_Mode = 0; $Usage = "$ME -H host [-c contact] [-P proxy] [-p port] [-u user] [-U uri] [-v]"; $Help = <] -H host [-c contact_uri] [-P proxy] [-p port] [-u user] [-a pass] [-e exp] [-v] $ME [] -U sip_uri [-c contact_uri] [-P proxy] [-a pass] [-e exp] [-v] $ME --help $ME --man $ME --version Options: --contact|c Contact URI to use in register (def \@$Contact_Host). --expires|e Set an expiration time for registrations (def $Expires). --hostname|H Name of the host running the SIP server. --password|a Auth password to specify when sending a username. --port|p Port on which the SIP service should be running (def $Port). --proxy|P Outbound proxy hostname; use if different than SIP URI host. --user|u Username to include in the SIP uri. --uri|U Full sip:user\@host[:port] URI. --verbose|-v Show details of progress (give more than once for more info). --help Show this usage text. --man Show the comprehensive documentation. --version Show the version ($VERSION). Normal behavior is to send an OPTIONS request to the SIP server. If a username is given, though, either through --user or --uri, the script will attempt to register with the server given in the SIP URI. EOhelp } # handle the command-line $Verbose = 0; GetOptions('verbose|v+' => \$Verbose, 'version|V' => \$Flags{version}, 'help|h' => \$Flags{help}, 'man|m' => \$Flags{man}, 'contact|c=s' => \$Contact, 'expires|e=i' => \$Expires, 'hostname|H=s' => \$Host, 'password|a=s' => \$Password, 'port|p=s' => \$Port, 'proxy|P=s' => \$Proxy, 'user|u=s' => \$User, 'uri|U=s' => \$URI, ) or die($Usage); if ($Flags{version}) { print_revision($ME, $VERSION); exit 0; } elsif ($Flags{help}) { print $Help; exit 0; } elsif ($Flags{man}) { use Pod::Usage; pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitval => 0); } if (!$URI and !$Host) { print "ERROR: Sorry, but a hostname or full URI must be given.\n\n". $Usage; exit $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; } elsif ($Host and ! utils::is_hostname($Host)) { print "ERROR: Sorry, but \"$Host\" doesn't look like a host name.\n\n". $Usage; exit $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; } if (!$URI) { $URI = "sip:". ($User ? "$User\@" : ''). "$Host:$Port"; } # add -v flags to sipsak according to the verbosity given on the command line for (my $v = 0; $v < $Verbose; $v++) { push @Sipsak_Cmd, '-v'; } # if the URI contains a username, we're running in REGISTER mode and we # need to add some parameters to our sipsak command line if ($URI =~ /\@/) { $REG_Mode = 1; push @Sipsak_Cmd, '-U'; if (defined($Expires)) { push @Sipsak_Cmd, '--expires', $Expires; } if (!$Contact) { $Contact = "sip:$User\@$Contact_Host"; } if (defined($Contact)) { $Contact = 'sip:'. $Contact unless $Contact =~ /^sip(s)?:/i; push @Sipsak_Cmd, '--contact', $Contact; } if ($Password) { push @Sipsak_Cmd, '--password', $Password; } } # add a proxy to the sipsak command line if one was given if ($Proxy) { push @Sipsak_Cmd, '--outbound-proxy', $Proxy; } push @Sipsak_Cmd, '--sip-uri', $URI; print "executing: ". join(' ', @Sipsak_Cmd). "\n" if $Verbose; my $cmd = join(' ', @Sipsak_Cmd); my @out = `$cmd 2>&1`; print "output is:\n\n@out\n" if $Verbose; chomp @out; my ($status) = grep(/^SIP\s/, @out); chomp $status; my ($state, $answer); if ($status =~ /^SIP(\/[\d.]+ 2\d\d)? OK/i) { $state = $ERRORS{OK}; $answer = $status; } else { $state = $ERRORS{CRITICAL}; $answer = "$status (\"...$out[-2]\")"; } print "Searching known error codes... " if $Verbose > 2; foreach my $errname (keys %ERRORS) { print " $errname" if $Verbose > 2; if ($state == $ERRORS{$errname}) { print "\n" if $Verbose > 2; print "SIP $errname: $answer\n"; last; } } exit $state;