#!/usr/bin/env python # # check_proliant.py - version 1.4 # # Python script for Nagios # check hpasm/hplog fans and power # # Requires: /sbin/hpasmcli, pexpect # # Note: This uses the thresholds that HPLOG reports to determine OK or CRITICAL for temperatures # # This script requires the pexpect module which is Expect implemented in pure python. # it can be obtained from: http://www.noah.org/wiki/Pexpect (or SourceForge.net) # # NOTE: Nagios must have the ability to run hpasmcli as root via sudo. You can do this # by adding the following line to /etc/sudoers, assuming the nagios user is 'nagios': # nagios ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/hpasmcli # ######################################################################################### # Copyright 2009-2013 Jason Antman # # AUTHORS: # Jason Antman # Kok Hon Yin - "-" field3 skip patch # Markus Jauhola - add aggregated "all" check option # ######################################################################################### # # The latest version of this script is available at: # # ######################################################################################### import time, sys, pexpect, getopt HPASMCMD = "sudo /sbin/hpasmcli" HPASM_PROMPT = "hpasmcli>" WARN_TEMP_PCT = 10 # warn if we're within 10% of our temp threshold is_CRITICAL = 0 is_WARNING = 0 message = "" # usage info def usage(): print "check_proliant.py - GPL Python Script by Jason Antman" print "http://www.jasonantman.com" print "checks hplog and returns values for use by Nagios" print "" print "Usage:" print "check_hplog.py --type=[fan|ps|temp|proc|dimm|all] [--ignore-redundant] [-h | --help]" print " type: what information to get - fan, ps, temp, proc, dimm, all" print " -h --help: print this usage summary" def doFans(ignoreRedundant): result = "" try: child = pexpect.spawn(HPASMCMD) child.expect(HPASM_PROMPT) child.sendline("SHOW FANS") child.expect(HPASM_PROMPT) result = child.before child.sendline("EXIT") time.sleep(1) child.close() child.close() except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect: pass except exceptions.OSError: pass if result.strip() == "": print "UNKNOWN: Error in pexpect while running hpasmcli" sys.exit(3) lines = result.split("\n") # variables to hold state total_fans = 0 fans_missing = 0 global is_CRITICAL global is_WARNING global message test_ok = 1 for line in lines: # skip over blank lines or command echo if line.strip() == "" or line.strip() == "SHOW FANS": continue # skip over formatting lines and column headings if line[:8] == "Fan Loc" or line[:8] == "--- ---": continue # THIS IS AN IMPORTANT LINE total_fans = total_fans + 1 fields = line.split() # get the fields fanNum = fields[0] # is_present if fields[2] != "Yes": fans_missing = fans_missing + 1 is_CRITICAL = 1 test_ok=0 message = message + "Fan " + fanNum + " Status=" + fields[2] + ". " # speed if fields[3] != "NORMAL": is_WARNING = 1 test_ok=0 message = message + "Fan " + fanNum + " Speed=" + fields[3] + ". " # is redundant if ignoreRedundant == 0 and fields[5] != "Yes": is_CRITICAL = 1 test_ok=0 message = message + "Fan " + fanNum + " Redundant=" + fields[5] + ". " if test_ok == 1: message = message + str(total_fans) + " fans normal." return test_ok def doPower(ignoreRedundant): result = "" try: child = pexpect.spawn(HPASMCMD) child.expect(HPASM_PROMPT) child.sendline("SHOW POWERSUPPLY") child.expect(HPASM_PROMPT) result = child.before child.sendline("EXIT") time.sleep(1) child.close() child.close() except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect: pass except exceptions.OSError: pass if result.strip() == "": print "UNKNOWN: Error in pexpect while running hpasmcli" sys.exit(3) lines = result.split("\n") # variables to hold state global is_CRITICAL global is_WARNING global message test_ok = 1 ps_num = "" num_psus = 0 for line in lines: # skip over blank lines or command echo if line.strip() == "" or line.strip() == "SHOW POWERSUPPLY": continue # THIS IS AN IMPORTANT LINE if line[:14] == "Power supply #": # we're starting a new power supply if ps_num == "": # first power supply, just update ps_num ps_num = line[line.find("#")+1:].strip() num_psus = num_psus+1 elif ps_num != "": # update ps_num ps_num = line[line.find("#")+1:].strip() num_psus = num_psus+1 else: # just a line with info about current ps parts = line.strip().split(":") if parts[0].strip() == "Present": if parts[1].strip() != "Yes": is_CRITICAL = 1 test_ok = 0 message = message + "PSU #" + ps_num + " Not Present. " elif parts[0].strip() == "Redundant": if parts[1].strip() != "Yes" and ignoreRedundant != 1: is_CRITICAL = 1 test_ok = 0 message = message + "PSU #" + ps_num + " Not Redundant. " elif parts[0].strip() == "Condition": if parts[1].strip() != "Ok": message = message + "PSU #" + ps_num + " condition is '" + parts[1].strip() + "'. " is_CRITICAL = 1 test_ok = 0 if test_ok == 1 and ignoreRedundant == 1: message = message + " ALL (" + str(num_psus) + ") PSUs OK." elif test_ok == 1: message = message + " ALL (" + str(num_psus) + ") PSUs OK and Redundant." return test_ok def doTemp(ignoreRedundant): try: child = pexpect.spawn(HPASMCMD) child.expect(HPASM_PROMPT) child.sendline("SHOW TEMP") child.expect(HPASM_PROMPT) result = child.before child.sendline("EXIT") time.sleep(1) child.close() child.close() except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect: pass except exceptions.OSError: pass if result.strip() == "": print "UNKNOWN: Error in pexpect while running hpasmcli" sys.exit(3) lines = result.split("\n") # variables to hold state global is_CRITICAL global is_WARNING global message test_ok = 1 num_temps = 0 for line in lines: # skip over blank lines or command echo if line.strip() == "" or line.strip() == "SHOW TEMP": continue # skip over formatting lines and column headings if line[:17] == "Sensor Location" or line[:17] == "------ --------": continue fields = line.split() # get the fields # skip anything that doesn't give a current temp if fields[2].strip() == "-": continue num_temps = num_temps + 1 zoneName = fields[1].strip() curTemp = fields[2] curTemp = int(curTemp[:curTemp.find("C")]) if fields[3].strip() == "-": # if the threshold field is "-", we can't check anything here, so move along continue threshold = fields[3] threshold = int(threshold[:threshold.find("C")]) warn = float(threshold) - (float(threshold) * ( 1.0 / float(WARN_TEMP_PCT))) if curTemp >= threshold: message = message + zoneName + "=" + str(curTemp) + "C/" + str(threshold) + "C " is_CRITICAL = 1 test_ok = 0 elif curTemp >= warn: message = message + zoneName + "=" + str(curTemp) + "C/" + str(threshold) + "C " is_WARNING = 1 test_ok = 0 if test_ok == 1: message = message + " ALL (" + str(num_temps) + ") Temp Zones OK." return test_ok def doProc(ignoreRedundant): try: child = pexpect.spawn(HPASMCMD) child.expect(HPASM_PROMPT) child.sendline("SHOW SERVER") child.expect(HPASM_PROMPT) result = child.before child.sendline("EXIT") time.sleep(1) child.close() child.close() except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect: pass except exceptions.OSError: pass if result.strip() == "": print "UNKNOWN: Error in pexpect while running hpasmcli" sys.exit(3) lines = result.split("\n") # variables to hold state global is_CRITICAL global is_WARNING global message proc_num = "" num_procs = 0 test_ok = 1 for line in lines: # skip over blank lines or command echo if line.strip() == "" or line.strip() == "SHOW SERVER": continue # THIS IS AN IMPORTANT LINE if line[:10] == "Processor:": proc_num = line[line.find(":")+1:].strip() num_procs = num_procs + 1 elif proc_num != "": if line[:15] == "Processor total": # we're out of the processor section proc_num = "" # handle the lines fields = line.split(":") if fields[0].strip() == "Status": if fields[1].strip() != "Ok": message = message + "Processor " + proc_num + " " + fields[1].strip() + " " is_CRITICAL = 1 test_ok = 0 if test_ok == 1: message = message + " ALL (" + str(num_procs) + ") processors Ok." return test_ok def doDIMM(ignoreRedundant): try: child = pexpect.spawn(HPASMCMD) child.expect(HPASM_PROMPT) child.sendline("SHOW DIMM") child.expect(HPASM_PROMPT) result = child.before child.sendline("EXIT") time.sleep(1) child.close() child.close() except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect: pass except exceptions.OSError: pass if result.strip() == "": print "UNKNOWN: Error in pexpect while running hpasmcli" sys.exit(3) lines = result.split("\n") # variables to hold state global is_CRITICAL global is_WARNING global message test_ok = 1 dimm_num = "" num_dimms = 0 present = "" status = "" for line in lines: # skip over blank lines or command echo if line.strip() == "" or line.strip() == "SHOW DIMM": continue if line[:9] == "DIMM Conf" or line[:9] == "---------": continue fields = line.split(":") if fields[0].strip()[:6] == "Module": # start a new module if dimm_num != "": # process last module if status != "Ok" and status != "N/A": print "dimm_num=" + dimm_num + " status= " + status + " present=" + present message = message + "DIMM" + dimm_num + " Status: " + status + ". " is_CRITICAL = 1 test_ok = 0 dimm_num = fields[0].strip() num_dimms = num_dimms + 1 if fields[0].strip() == "Present": present = fields[1].strip() if fields[0].strip() == "Status": status = fields[1].strip() # process the last module if status != "Ok" and status != "N/A": print "dimm_num=" + dimm_num + " status= " + status + " present=" + present message = message + "DIMM" + dimm_num + " Status: " + status + ". " is_CRITICAL = 1 test_ok = 0 if test_ok == 1: message = message + " ALL (" + str(num_dimms) + ") DIMMs Ok." return test_ok def main(argv): ignoreRedundant = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", ["type=", "help", "ignore-redundant"]) except getopt.GetoptError: print "UNKNOWN: Invalid Argument." usage() sys.exit(3) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit(3) elif opt in ("--type"): type = arg elif opt in ("--ignore-redundant"): ignoreRedundant = 1 if not 'type' in locals() or type == '': print "UNKNOWN: INPUT ERROR: Type cannot be empty!" usage() sys.exit(3) if type == 'fan': doFans(ignoreRedundant) elif type == 'ps': doPower(ignoreRedundant) elif type == 'temp': doTemp(ignoreRedundant) elif type == 'dimm': doDIMM(ignoreRedundant) elif type == 'proc': doProc(ignoreRedundant) elif type == 'all': doFans(ignoreRedundant) doPower(ignoreRedundant) doTemp(ignoreRedundant) doDIMM(ignoreRedundant) doProc(ignoreRedundant) else: print "UNKNOWN: Invalid type option." sys.exit(3) if is_CRITICAL != 0: print "CRITICAL: "+message sys.exit(2) if is_WARNING != 0: print "WARNING: "+message sys.exit(1) print "OK: "+message sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])