#!/usr/bin/perl # Original version written by ken.mckinlay@curtisswright.com # Parameter checks and SNMP v3 based on code by Christoph Kron # and S. Ghosh (check_ifstatus) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # (above directly taken from Ken's original script # This version was created by Erik Welch (ewelch@taos.com) # Many of the concepts were created by Ken, I just redid the logic and # made it so I only had to edit one location to add a new variable to check # Bugs and updates can be sent to me. # I have not tested any of the snmp v2c or v3 functions # they may be horribly broken or implemented badly, I redid some of Ken's # logic to fit my simple mind, but haven't utilized it yet... # # $Id: check_netapp2,v 2.3 2006/06/05 19:04:05 root Exp $ use warnings; use strict; use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec"; use utils qw/$TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support/; use Net::SNMP; use Getopt::Long; use constant KB_PER_MB => 1024; use constant KB_PER_GB => KB_PER_MB*KB_PER_MB; use constant OK => 'OK'; use constant WARNING => 'WARNING'; use constant CRITICAL => 'CRITICAL'; use constant UNKNOWN => 'UNKNOWN'; Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); my $PROGNAME = $0; my $PROGREVISION = '2.2'; my %stats2chk; ########## #I don't recommend editing the following vars ########## my $state = UNKNOWN; my $maxmsgsize = 1472; #Net::SNMP default my $port = 161; my $result; #connection to Net::SNMP result ########## #Editable variables ########## my %opts = ( 'snmp_version' => 1, 'community' => 'public', 'timeout' => $TIMEOUT, 'port' => 161, ); %stats2chk = ( #Primary key: #The variable name from the command line #Secondary keys: #oid is the base oid to be monitored #answer string to pass to sprintf (Status Information) #perfdata string to pass to sprintf (Performance Data) #help string that is used in the help output (-h) # #if you have a specialized routine to process the data you get from #the oid use the "sub" key #sub name of the key in the special_subs hash # this was the only way I could reference a sub without it calculating # the sub... #other secondary keys (I would recommend naming similar to subopts) #can be created as needed. Use DISKUSED as an example 'FAILEDDISK' => { 'oid' => '.', 'answer' => 'Disks failed: %d', 'perfdata' => 'faileddisk=%d', 'help' => '%s - disk failed state', }, 'FAN' => { 'oid' => '.', 'answer' => 'Fans failed: %d', 'perfdata' => 'failedfans=%d', 'help' => '%s - fan failed state', }, 'PS' => { 'oid' => '.', 'answer' => 'Power supplies failed: %d', 'perfdata' => 'failedpowersupplies=%d', 'help' => '%s - Power Supply failed state', }, 'UPTIME' => { 'oid' => '.', 'answer' => 'System uptime: %s', 'perfdata' => 'uptime=%s', 'help' => '%s - up time', }, 'CPULOAD' => { 'oid' => '.', 'answer' => 'CPU load: %d%%', 'perfdata' => 'cpuload=%d%%', 'help' => '%s - CPU load', }, 'TEMP' => { 'oid' => '.', 'answer' => 'Over temperature: %s', 'perfdata' => 'overtemperature=%s', 'help' => '%s - over temperature check', }, 'NVRAM' => { 'oid' => '.', 'answer' => 'NVRAM battery status: %d', 'perfdata' => 'nvrambatterystatus=%d', 'help' => '%s - nvram battery status', }, 'SNAPSHOT' => { 'oid' => '.', 'answer' => '%s Snapshots disabled', 'perfdata' => '', 'help' => '%s - volume snapshot status', 'sub' => 'check_oidvals', 'subopts' => [".",".1.2",".1.7"], }, 'DISKUSED' => { 'oid' => '.', 'answer' => 'Kb free : %d', 'perfdata' => '%s', 'help' => '%s - disk space avail', 'sub' => 'check_oidvals', 'subopts' => [".",".2",".5"], 'subminval' => 30*KB_PER_GB, #GBytes 'subskip' => "snapshot", #skip volumes with this at the end of name }, ); ########## sub usage { #prints usage and dies print < sub { my($result, $oids, $stats2chk, $var2check) = @_; my $base_oid = shift @$oids; my($oidName, $oidOpts) = map { $base_oid . $_ }@$oids; my $mystate = OK; my $myanswer = $stats2chk->{$var2check}{'answer'}; my $myperfdata = $stats2chk->{$var2check}{'perfdata'}; my $volume; if (defined $opts{'volume'}) { $volume = $opts{'volume'} } ############ my $minVal; if (defined $stats2chk->{$var2check}{'subminval'} ) { $minVal = $stats2chk->{$var2check}{'subminval'}; $minVal = ($opts{'critical'}*KB_PER_GB) if defined $opts{'critical'}; } my $subskip; if (defined $stats2chk->{$var2check}{'subskip'}) { $subskip = $stats2chk->{$var2check}{'subskip'}; } ############ my @oidkey2name; for (sort keys %$result) { #create a array - key last digit(s) from oid - value volume name if ($_ =~ /^$oidName\.(\d+)/) { next if $volume && $volume ne $result->{$_}; next if $subskip && $result->{$_} =~ /$subskip$/; $oidkey2name[$1] = $result->{$_}; } if ( $_ =~ /^$oidOpts\.(\d+)/ ) { #tempkey is the last digit from the current oid my($tempkey) = $1; next if $volume && !defined $oidkey2name[$tempkey]; next if $subskip && !defined $oidkey2name[$tempkey]; if ($minVal && ($result->{$_} < $minVal )) { $mystate = WARNING; #$result->{$_} is kbytes avail my $f_answer = sprintf($myanswer, $result->{$_}); my $f_perfdata = sprintf($myperfdata, $oidkey2name[$tempkey]); report_exit($var2check, $mystate, $f_answer, $f_perfdata); } elsif ( grep /nosnap=on/, $result->{$_} ) { #format_answers($mystate, $myanswer, $myperfdata); $mystate = WARNING; my $f_answer = sprintf($myanswer, $oidkey2name[$tempkey]); my $f_perfdata = sprintf($myperfdata, $oidkey2name[$tempkey]); report_exit($var2check, $mystate, $f_answer, $f_perfdata); } } } my $f_answer = " Checks OK"; if ($volume) { $volume .= $f_answer; report_exit($var2check, $mystate, $volume, ""); } else { report_exit($var2check, $mystate, $f_answer, ""); } }, #an example of a simple sub that you can use for a new variable #'foo' => sub { # print "foo\n"; #}, ); sub report_exit ($$$$) { #accepts 4 variables # var -variable checked (i.e., FAN) # state -exit status # answer -formatted answer string # perf -formatted performance data string #prints a string for nagios #exits with status $state my($var, $state, $answer, $perf) = @_; print "$var $state - $answer|$perf\n"; exit $ERRORS{$state}; } sub process_arguments { #process the command line args #$opts is a referene to a hash my $opts = shift; my($session, $error); my $status = GetOptions ( $opts, 'version|V', 'help|h', 'snmp_version|P=i', 'community|C=s', 'seclevel|L=s', 'authproto|a=s', 'secname|U=s', 'authpass|A=s', 'privpass|X=s', 'hostname|H=s', 'timeout|t=i', 'variable|v=s', 'warning|w=i', 'critical|c=i', 'volume|o=s', ); #print each %$opts, "\n"; usage unless $status; print_help if defined $opts->{'help'}; usage unless defined $opts->{'variable'}; usage unless defined $opts->{'hostname'}; #usage if $opts->{'snmp_version'} !~ /[123]/; usage unless $opts->{'snmp_version'} == (1||2||3); $opts->{'variable'} = uc $opts->{'variable'}; usage unless grep { $opts->{'variable'} eq $_ } keys %stats2chk; if ( $opts->{'snmp_version'} == (1||2) ) { ($session,$error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $opts->{'hostname'}, -port => $opts->{'port'}, -version => $opts->{'snmp_version'}, -timeout => $opts->{'timeout'}, -community => $opts->{'community'}, ); } if ( $opts->{'snmp_version'} == 3 ) { usage unless defined $opts->{'seclevel'} && defined $opts->{'secname'}; usage unless ( $opts->{'seclevel'} eq \ ('noAuthNoPriv'||'authNopriv'||'authPriv') ); my($auth, $priv); if ( $opts->{'seclevel'} eq 'noAuthNoPriv' ) { ($session,$error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $opts->{'hostname'}, -community => $opts->{'community'}, -port => $opts->{'port'}, -version => $opts->{'snmp_version'}, -username => $opts->{'secname'}, -timeout => $opts->{'timeout'}, ); } elsif ( $opts->{'seclevel'} eq ('authNoPriv' || 'authPriv' ) ) { usage unless ( $opts->{'authproto'} eq ('MD5' || 'SHA1') ); usage unless ( defined $opts->{'authpass'} ); if ( $opts->{'authpass'} =~ /^0x/ ) { $auth = "-authkey => $opts->{'authpass'}"; } else { $auth = "-authpassword => $opts->{'authpass'}"; } if ( $opts->{'seclevel'} eq 'authPriv' ) { usage unless ( defined $opts->{'privpass'} ); if ( $opts->{'privpass'} -~ /^0x/ ) { $priv = "-privkey => $opts->{'privpass'}"; } else { $priv = "-privpassword => $opts->{'privpass'}"; } } ($session,$error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $opts->{'hostname'}, -community => $opts->{'community'}, -port => $opts->{'port'}, -version => $opts->{'snmp_version'}, -username => $opts->{'secname'}, -timeout => $opts->{'timeout'}, -authprotocol => $opts->{'authproto'}, $auth, $priv, ); } } if ( ! defined $session ) { $state = UNKNOWN; print "$state:$error"; exit $ERRORS{$state}; } return $session; } ########## $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { print "ERROR: No snmp response from $opts{'hostname'} (alarm timeout)\n"; exit $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; }; my $session = process_arguments \%opts; my $var2check = $opts{'variable'}; my $mycritical = $opts{'critical'}; my $mywarn = $opts{'warning'}; my $myoid = $stats2chk{$var2check}{'oid'}; #my $mystate = $stats2chk{$var2check}{'state'}; my $myanswer = $stats2chk{$var2check}{'answer'}; my $myperfdata = $stats2chk{$var2check}{'perfdata'}; alarm $opts{'timeout'}; if ( ! defined ( $result = $session->get_table(-baseoid => $myoid) ) ) { my $answer = $session->error; $session->close; my $state = CRITICAL; print "$state:$answer for $myoid with snmp version $opts{'snmp_version'}\n"; exit $ERRORS{$state}; } $session->close; alarm(0); if (defined (my $mysub = $stats2chk{$var2check}{'sub'}) ){ my $subopts = $stats2chk{$var2check}{'subopts'}; &{$special_subs{$mysub}}($result, $subopts, \%stats2chk, $var2check); #just in case the special_sub doesn't exit (a bug) exit $ERRORS{$state}; } else { #set state to WARNING if this is true $state = ( ( defined $mywarn ) && ($result->{$myoid . ".0"} >= $mywarn) )? WARNING: #set state to CRITICAL if this is true ( ( defined $mycritical ) && ($result->{$myoid . ".0"} >= $mycritical) ) ? CRITICAL : #set state to OK if none are true OK; my $f_answer = sprintf($myanswer, $result->{$myoid . ".0"}); my $f_perfdata = sprintf($myperfdata, $result->{$myoid . ".0"}); report_exit($var2check, $state, $f_answer, $f_perfdata); } #print "$var2check $state - $myanswer|$myperfdata\n"; exit $ERRORS{$state};