#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # check_lxp-controller_load - nagios plugin # # # Copyright (C) 2007 Priyantha Kumara # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Report bugs to priyantha.kumara_AT_gmail_DOT_com # # 11-06-2007 Version 4.1.1 # # Cleared up the code from ver. 3.x.y to be compatible with nagios plugin frame-work # Use of Getopt::Long module instead of Getopt::Std # # Primary MIB referernce - lxp.MIB from Emerson Network Power # use strict; use Net::SNMP; use Getopt::Long; &Getopt::Long::config('bundling'); use utils qw(%ERRORS); use vars qw/ %opt /; my $script = "check_lxp-controller_load"; my $script_version = "4.1.1"; my $oid_sysDescr = "."; my $oid_PlantLoad = ""; my $oid_PlantVoltage = ""; my ($hostname, $snmp_version, $community, $timeout) = ("", "1", "public", 2); my ($cstatus, $status, $alarm) = (0, 0, 0,); my $returnstring = ""; my $err2 = ""; my $err1 = ""; my ($ml, $tcur, $clmt) = (132, 160, 165); my ($lvd, $lv2, $lv1, $hv1, $hv2, $hvs) = (37, 47, 52.1, 54, 55.5, 56); my ($PlantLoad, $PlantVoltage, $vstatus); my $temp; # my $opt_string = 'hVH:C:w:c:'; my ($opt_h, $opt_H, $opt_V, $opt_C, $opt_w, $opt_c); #################################################################### # This is where we gather command-line options # #################################################################### # Do we have enough information? if (@ARGV < 1) { print "Too few arguments\n"; usage(); } # getopts("$opt_string", \%opt); GetOptions( 'V|Version' => \$opt_V, 'h|help' => \$opt_h, 'H|Hostname=s' => \$opt_H, 'C|Community=s' => \$opt_C, 'w|warning=s' => \$opt_w, # We use 's' here to combine multiple values 'c|Critical=s' => \$opt_c, # Same applies here ); if ($opt_h){ usage(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } if ($opt_V){ # print "$script v$script_version\n"; version(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } elsif ($opt_H){ $hostname = $opt_H; # print "Hostname $opt_H\n"; } else { print "Using default hostname $hostname..."; } if ($opt_C){ $community = $opt_C; # print "Using community $opt_C\n"; } else { print "Using default community $community..."; } if ($opt_w){ ($lv1,$hv1,$ml) = split/,/,$opt_w; $ml =~s/\n//; # $major = $opt_w; # print "Major threshold: opt_w: $lv1:$hv1:$ml\n"; } if ($opt_c){ ($lv2,$lvd,$hv2,$hvs,$tcur,$clmt) = split/,/,$opt_c; $clmt =~ s/\n//; # $critical = $opt_c; # print "Critical threshold: $opt_c%\n"; } # Create the SNMP session my ($s, $e) = Net::SNMP->session( -community => $community, -hostname => $hostname, -version => $snmp_version, -timeout => $timeout, ); main(); # Close the session $s->close(); if ($returnstring eq ""){ $status = 3; } if ($status == 0){ print "Status is OK - $returnstring\n"; } elsif ($status == 1){ print "Status is a MAJOR ALARM - $returnstring\n"; } elsif ($status == 2){ print "Status is CRITICAL ALARM - $returnstring\n"; } #elsif ($status == 3){ # print "Status is SHUTDOWN ALARM - $returnstring\n"; # We won't be able to reach the controller #} # under this condition else{ print "Status is UNKNOWN\n"; } exit $status; #################################################################### # This is where we poll plant load & voltage via SNMP # #################################################################### sub main { if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_PlantLoad))) { if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_sysDescr))) { $returnstring = "SNMP agent not responding"; $status = 1; return 1; } else { $returnstring = "SNMP OID does not exist"; $status = 1; return 1; } } foreach ($s->var_bind_names()) { $PlantLoad = $s->var_bind_list()->{$_}; } if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_PlantVoltage))) { if (!defined($s->get_request($oid_sysDescr))) { $returnstring = "SNMP agent not responding"; $status = 1; return 1; } else { $returnstring = "SNMP OID does not exist"; $status = 1; return 1; } } foreach ($s->var_bind_names()) { $PlantVoltage = $s->var_bind_list()->{$_}; } if ($PlantVoltage < $lvd){ $vstatus = 2; $err1 = ":Low Voltage Disconnect!"; } elsif ($PlantVoltage < $lv2){ $vstatus = 2; $err1 = ":Critical Low Voltage!"; } elsif ($PlantVoltage < $lv1){ $vstatus = 1; $err1 = ":Major Low Voltage!"; } elsif ($PlantVoltage < $hv1){ $vstatus = 0; $err1 = ""; } elsif ($PlantVoltage < $hv2){ $vstatus = 1; $err1 = ":Major High Voltage!"; } elsif ($PlantVoltage < $hvs){ $vstatus = 2; $err1 = ":Critical High Voltage!"; } elsif ($PlantVoltage > $hvs){ $vstatus = 2; $err1 = ":High Voltage Shutdown!"; } else { $status = 3; } if ($PlantLoad < $ml){ $cstatus = 0; $err2 = ""; } elsif ($PlantLoad >= $clmt) { $cstatus = 3; $err2 = ":Serious High Load!" } elsif ($PlantLoad >= $tcur){ $cstatus = 2; $err2 = ":Critical High Load!"; } elsif ($PlantLoad >= $ml){ $cstatus = 1; $err2 = ":Major Over Load!"; } else { $status = 3; } if ($vstatus == 0 && $cstatus == 0){ $alarm = 0; } else { $alarm = 1; } if ($alarm == 0){ $status = 0; $temp = "Plant Load: $PlantLoad (Amps), Plant Voltage: $PlantVoltage (Vdc)"; } else { if ($cstatus >= $vstatus){ $status = $cstatus; $temp = "Plant Load: $PlantLoad (Amps), Plant Voltage: $PlantVoltage (Vdc)$err2$err1"; } elsif ($cstatus < $vstatus){ $status = $vstatus; $temp = "Plant Load: $PlantLoad (Amps), Plant Voltage: $PlantVoltage (Vdc)$err1$err2"; } else{ $status = 3; $temp = "Plant Load: $PlantLoad (Amps), Plant Voltage: $PlantVoltage (Vdc)$err1$err2"; } } # $temp = "Plant Load: $PlantLoad (Amps), Plant Voltage: $PlantVoltage (Vdc) $err$err1"; append($temp); } #################################################################### # help and usage screen # #################################################################### sub usage { print << "USAGE"; -------------------------------------------------------------------- $script v$script_version Returns the LXP-Controller Plant Load Usage: $script -H|(--hostname) [-C|(--community) ] [-w|(--warning ] [-c|(--critical) ] Options: -h|(--help) Prints this help screen -V|(--version) Prints the script version -H (--hostname) Hostname or IP address -C (--Community) Community string (default is public) -w (--warning) Major (warning) thresholds for PlantVolatge & PlantLoad This is a comma (",") separated list in the following order -w LV1,HV1,MaxLoad where LV1=Low Voltage 1, HV1=High Voltage 1, MaxLoad=Max. Plant Load allowed The default's are; LV1=52.1, HV1=54, MaxLoad=132 -c (--critical) Critical threshold for PlantVoltage & Plant Load This is a comma (",") separated list in the following order -c LV2,LVD,HV2,HVS,TCUR,CLMT where LV2=Low Voltage 2, LVD=Low Voltage Disconnect HV2=High Voltage 2, HVS=High Voltage Shutdown, TCUR=High Current Alarm, CLMT=Current Limit The defaults are; LV2=47, LVD=37, HV2=55.5, HVS=56, TCUR=160, CLMT=165 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USAGE exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } #################################################################### # Version screen # ################################################################### sub version { print << "VERSION"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $script v$script_version Copyright 2007 (C) Priyantha Kumara This program is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSION exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } #################################################################### # Appends string to $returnstring at exit # #################################################################### sub append { my $appendstring = $_[0]; $returnstring = "$returnstring$appendstring"; }