#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # check_jetstor # Nagios script to check JetStor arrays via snmp (known to work with # 416F, 516F and 416iS). This script was inspired by Karl Katzke's # check_jetstor_snmp script. # # Copyright (c) 2008 David Alden <alden@math.ohio-state.edu> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # # Description: # This script will check the status of several different JetStor # raid systems (currently 416F, 516F and 416iS) # # # Installation: # Edit this script, replacing the line: # use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins"; # with the path to your nagios plugins directory (where utils.pm is # located). Then copy the script into your nagios plugins directory. # # use strict; use SNMP; use Getopt::Long; use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins"; use utils qw(%ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage); # my $snmpPort = 161; my $snmpVersion = "2c"; my $snmpTimeout = "30000000"; # The Jetstor occasionally takes a little while to respond # my %oids = ( checkFiber => '.', checkiSCSI => '.', # fiberPSStatuses => '.', fiberFanSpeeds => '.', fiberHDDTemps => '.', fiberVolumeNames => '.', fiberVolumeStatuses => '.', # iSCSIudvNames => '.', iSCSIudvStatuses => '.', iSCSIemsNames => '.', iSCSIpsuStatus => '.', iSCSIfanStatus => '.', ); # my $PROGNAME="check_jetstor"; my $REVISION="0.9"; # #$ENV{PATH}="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin"; # my $community = "public"; my $help; my $hostname; my $timeout = 360; # multiple snmp gets on 416iS can take a long time my $version; if (GetOptions( "C:s" => \$community, "community" => \$community, "help" => \$help, "H:s" => \$hostname, "hostname:s" => \$hostname, "t=i" => \$timeout, "timeout=i" => \$timeout, "V" => \$version, "Version" => \$version, ) == 0) { print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } if ($version) { print_revision($PROGNAME, "\$Revision: $REVISION \$"); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } if ($help) { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } if (! utils::is_hostname($hostname)) { print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { print "Timeout: No Answer from Client\n"; exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; }; alarm($timeout); my ($status, $message) = checkJetstor($hostname, $community, $snmpPort, $snmpVersion, $snmpTimeout, %oids); print "JETSTOR $status: $message\n"; exit $ERRORS{$status}; # sub checkJetstor { my ($host, $snmpCommunity, $snmpPort, $snmpVersion, $snmpTimeout, $oids) = @_; my ($message, $status); my ($session) = new SNMP::Session( DestHost => $hostname, Community => $snmpCommunity, RemotePort => $snmpPort, Version => $snmpVersion, Timeout => $snmpTimeout, ); if (!defined($session)) { return('UNKNOWN', "Failed to connect to $hostname"); } # First we check to see if it's a 416F/516FF ($status, $message) = checkType($session, $oids, "checkFiber"); if (defined($status)) { return($status, $message); } # Next we check to see if it's a 416iS ($status, $message) = checkType($session, $oids, "checkiSCSI"); if (defined($status)) { return($status, $message); } return ('UNKNOWN', "Unknown device type"); } # sub checkType { my ($session, $oids, $type) = @_; # my %validRoutines = ( checkFiber => \&checkFiber, checkiSCSI => \&checkiSCSI, ); my $result = $session->get($oids{$type}); if (defined($result) && $result ne "" && $result ne "NOSUCHOBJECT") { $result =~ s/^\s+//; $result =~ s/\s+$//; return(&{$validRoutines{$type}}($session, $result, $oids)); } return(undef, undef); } # sub checkFiber { my ($session, $model, $oids) = @_; my ($status, $message) = ("OK", ""); my ($psStatuses, $fanSpeeds, $hddTemps, $volumeNames, $volumeStatuses) = $session->bulkwalk( 0, 16, [[$oids{fiberPSStatuses}], [$oids{fiberFanSpeeds}], [$oids{fiberHDDTemps}], [$oids{fiberVolumeNames}], [$oids{fiberVolumeStatuses}]]); if (!defined($psStatuses)) { $message = appendMsg($message, "No PS Info"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; } else { my $i=0; my $failure=0; while (defined($$psStatuses[$i])) { if ($$psStatuses[$i]->val != 1) { $message = appendMsg($message, "PS #$i BAD"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; $failure = 1; } $i++; } if (!$failure) { $message = appendMsg($message, "$i PS's OK"); } } if (!defined($fanSpeeds)) { $message = appendMsg($message, "No Fan Info"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; } else { my $i = 0; my $failure=0; while (defined($$fanSpeeds[$i])) { if ($$fanSpeeds[$i]->val <= 1000 || $$fanSpeeds[$i]->val >= 5000) { $message = appendMsg($message, "Fan #$i BAD (RPM=" . $$fanSpeeds[$i]->val . ")"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; $failure = 1; } $i++; } if (!$failure) { $message = appendMsg($message, "$i Fan's OK"); } } if (!defined($hddTemps)) { $message = appendMsg($message, "No HDD Info"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; } else { my $i = 0; my $failure=0; while (defined($$hddTemps[$i])) { if ($$hddTemps[$i]->val >= 40 && $$hddTemps[$i]->val < 50) { $message = appendMsg($message, "HDD #$i Warning (Temp=" . $$hddTemps[$i]->val . "C)"); if ($status ne 'CRITICAL') { $status = 'WARNING'; } $failure = 1; } elsif ($$hddTemps[$i]->val >= 50) { $message = appendMsg($message, "HDD #$i Critical Temp (" . $$hddTemps[$i]->val . "C)"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; $failure = 1; } $i++; } if (!$failure) { $message = appendMsg($message, "$i HDD Temp's OK"); } } if (!defined($volumeStatuses)) { $message = appendMsg($message, "No Volume Info"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; } else { my $i = 0; my $failure=0; while (defined($$volumeStatuses[$i])) { if ($$volumeStatuses[$i]->val ne "Normal") { my $name = $$volumeNames[$i]->val; $name =~ s/^\s+//; $name =~ s/\s+$//; $message = appendMsg($message, "Volume $name BAD (State=" . $$volumeStatuses[$i]->val . ")"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; $failure = 1; } $i++; } if (!$failure) { $message = appendMsg($message, "$i Volume's OK"); } } return($status, "$model: $message"); } # sub checkiSCSI { my ($session, $model, $oids) = @_; my ($status, $message) = ("OK", ""); # We start out by checking the harddrives my ($udvNames, $udvStatuses) = $session->bulkwalk( 0, 17, [[$oids{iSCSIudvNames}], [$oids{iSCSIudvStatuses}]]); if (!defined($udvNames) || !defined($udvStatuses)) { $message = appendMsg($message, "Can't retrieve UDV info"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; } else { my $i = 0; my $failure = 0; while (defined($$udvStatuses[$i])) { if ($$udvStatuses[$i]->val !~ /^Online/) { my $name = $$udvNames[$i]->val; $name =~ s/^\s+//; $name =~ s/\s+$//; $message = appendMsg($message, "UDV $name " . $$udvStatuses[$i]->val); $status = 'CRITICAL'; $failure = 1; } $i++; } if (!$failure) { $message = appendMsg($message, "$i UDV's OK"); } } my ($emsNames) = $session->bulkwalk( 0, 17, [[$oids{iSCSIemsNames}]]); if (!defined($emsNames)) { $message = appendMsg($message, "Can't retrieve enclosure info"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; } else { my $noPSUs = 0; my $noFANs = 0; my $i = 0; while (defined($$emsNames[$i])) { if ($$emsNames[$i]->val =~ /^(PSU\d+\S*)/) { my $PSUname = $1; $noPSUs++; my ($PSUstatus) = $session->get($oids{iSCSIpsuStatus} . substr($$emsNames[$i][0], rindex($$emsNames[$i][0],"."))); if (!defined($PSUstatus)) { $message = appendMsg($message, "Can't PSU status"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; } else { if ($PSUstatus !~ /^good/) { $message = appendMsg($message, "$PSUname $PSUstatus"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; $noPSUs = -99999; } } } elsif ($$emsNames[$i]->val =~ /^(FAN\d+\S*)/) { my $FANname = $1; $noFANs++; my ($FANstatus) = $session->get($oids{iSCSIfanStatus} . substr($$emsNames[$i][0], rindex($$emsNames[$i][0],"."))); if (!defined($FANstatus)) { $message = appendMsg($message, "Can't Fan status"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; } else { if ($FANstatus !~ /^good/) { $message = appendMsg($message, "$FANname $FANstatus"); $status = 'CRITICAL'; $noFANs = -99999; } } } $i++; } if ($noPSUs > 0) { $message = appendMsg($message, "$noPSUs PSU's OK"); } if ($noFANs > 0) { $message = appendMsg($message, "$noFANs Fan's OK"); } } return($status, "$model: $message"); } # sub checkValues { my ($array, $warning, $warningMsg, $critical, $criticalMsg, $message, $status, $okMsg) = @_; return; } # sub print_usage { print "Usage: $PROGNAME -H <host> [-c <community>] [-h] [-V]\n"; } # sub appendMsg { my ($orig, $new) = @_; $orig .= ", " if (defined($orig) && $orig ne ""); $orig .= $new; return($orig); }