#!/bin/bash # # check_ipmi_sdr_ok: Check status of all ipmi sensors. This relies on # "ok" or not in the status field. The check_ipmi_sensors does a little # more work to determine things for itself - it also has much higher run # time and may not be suitable for all hosts. This should be fine to # run even on the most kitted up servers. # # Donated to the public domain by Nicolai Langfeldt (janl@linpro.no) # ipmitool sdr list all | gawk -F'|' ' BEGIN { PROBLEM=0; # Nagios exitstatus MSG="Not OK:"; } # Remove extraneous spaces to make output prettier { gsub(/\t/," "); gsub(/ +/," "); gsub(/ +\|/,"|"); gsub(/\| +/,"|") } # Skip lines with ns in third(last) column /\|ns$/ { next; }; { if ($3 !~ /ok/) { PROBLEM=2; MSG = sprintf("%s %s", MSG, $1); } } END { if (PROBLEM == 2) { print MSG; } else { print "All sensors OK" } exit PROBLEM; } '