' "check_hwinfo.wsf"
' This script was initially developed by Anstat Pty Ltd for internal use,
' and has kindly been made available to the Open Source community for
' redistribution and further development under the terms of the
' GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
' This script is supplied 'as-is', in the hope that it will be useful, but
' neither Anstat Pty Ltd nor the authors make any warranties or guarantees
' as to its correct operation, including its intended function.
' Or in other words:
'         Test it yourself, and make sure it works for YOU.
' Authors: George Hansper, Richard Balaganeshan
'                                   e-mail:  Name.Surname@anstat.com.au
Show one-line summary of Hardware information, displayed as:
	[Dell:PowerEdge 2850:ABCDE1S][2:Xeon:3600 MHz:2048 KB:800 MHz][4096 M:Multi-bit ECC:2048M/2048M/0/0/0/0][sda=683.1 G:MegaRAID,LD 0 RAID5  699G,521X][Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 3)]

NRPE Usage:
	command[check_hwinfo]=c:\winnt\system32\cscript.exe //NoLogo //T:10 c:\nrpe_nt\check_hwinfo.wsf
	command[check_hwinfo_csv]=c:\winnt\system32\cscript.exe //NoLogo //T:10 c:\nrpe_nt\check_hwinfo.wsf /sep:","

    helpstring="This Help"
    helpstring="Separation character(s) - use csv for quoted comma-separated output"
Example: check_hwinfo.wsf /sep:","
<script language="VBScript">

' Output format:
' [Motherboard:Model:Serial][n:CPU:MHz:L2Cache:FSB][Memory:ECC:Module/Module/...][disk_size/...:Raid/...]
' [Dell:PowerEdge 2850:ABCDE1S][2:Xeon:3600 MHz:2048 KB:800 MHz][4096 M:Multi-bit ECC:2048M/2048M/0/0/0/0][sda=683.1 G:MegaRAID,LD 0 RAID5  699G,521X][Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 3)]

Dim strComputer,strSep
Const strCSV = ""","""

' Help
If Wscript.Arguments.Named.Exists("h")  Then
      Wscript.Echo "Plugin help screen:"
End If

' Sep
If Wscript.Arguments.Named.Exists("sep")  Then
      strSep = Wscript.Arguments.Named("sep")
      If ( strSep = "csv" ) Then
          strSep = strCSV
      End If
      strSep = ":"
End If

strComputer = "."

Function GetWMIServices()
        Set GetWMIServices = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
            & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
End Function

Set objWMIService = GetWMIServices()

On Error Resume Next

' Model and Serial Number (aka "service tag")
Dim strModel(2)
Dim strMessage

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
    ' eg Dell
    strModel(0) = Trim(objItem.Vendor)
    ' eg Poweredge 800
    strModel(1) = Trim(objItem.Name)
    ' Service Tag
    strModel(2) = Trim(objItem.IdentifyingNumber)

' CPU Speed   [nCpus:Model:MHz:L2 cache:FSB]
Dim strCPU(4)
Dim ndx
Dim strCpuSockets(0)
Dim nCpuSockets
Dim nCpuSocketFound
Dim nCpus

nCpuSockets = 0
nCpus = 0
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Processor")
For Each objItem in colItems
    nCpuSocketFound = 0
    For ndx = 0 to nCpuSockets
        if ( strCpuSockets(ndx) = objItem.SocketDesignation ) Then
            nCpuSocketFound = 1
            Exit For
        End If
    If ( nCpuSocketFound = 0 ) Then
       nCpuSockets = nCpuSockets + 1
       Redim strCpuSockets(nCpuSockets-1)
       strCpuSockets(nCpuSockets-1) = objItem.SocketDesignation
       if ( NOT objItem.DeviceID = "" ) Then
           nCpus = nCpus+1
           strCPU(1) = Trim(objItem.Name)
           strCPU(2) = objItem.CurrentClockSpeed & " MHz"
           strCPU(3) = objItem.L2CacheSize & " KB"
           strCPU(4) = objItem.ExtClock & " MHz"
       End If
    End If

strCPU(0) = nCpus

' Memory  [Memory:ECC:Modules/...]
Dim strMem(2)
Dim strMemModules()
Dim nMemModules
Dim nTotalBytes
nMemModules = 0
nMemorySlots = 0
nTotalBytes = 0
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray")
For Each objItem in colItems
        if( objItem.MemoryErrorCorrection =7 ) Then
            strMem(1) = "CRC ECC"
        ElseIf ( objItem.MemoryErrorCorrection = 6 ) Then
            strMem(1) = "Multi-bit ECC"
        ElseIf ( objItem.MemoryErrorCorrection = 5 ) Then
            strMem(1) = "Single-bit ECC"
        ElseIf ( objItem.MemoryErrorCorrection = 4 ) Then
            strMem(1) = "Parity"
        ElseIf ( objItem.MemoryErrorCorrection = 3 ) Then
            strMem(1) = "Non-ECC"
            strMem(1) = "Non-ECC (unknown)"
        End If
        nMemorySlots = objItem.MemoryDevices

ReDim strMemModules(nMemorySlots-1)
for ndx = 0 to nMemorySlots
    strMemModules(ndx) = 0

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_PhysicalMemory")
For Each objItem in colItems
    nTotalBytes = nTotalBytes + objItem.Capacity
    strMemModules(nMemModules) = ( objItem.Capacity  / 1024 / 1024 ) & "M"
    nMemModules = nMemModules + 1
    'Wscript.Echo ( objItem.Capacity  / 1024 / 1024 ) & "M"
strMem(2) = Join(strMemModules,"/")

strMem(0) = FormatNumber(( nTotalBytes  / 1024 / 1024 ),0,TristateFalse,TristateFalse,TristateFalse) & "M"

' Disk and RAID status [disk_size/...:Raid]
Dim strDisk()
Dim nDisks
Dim strRaid()
Dim strDiskInfo(1)
nDisks = 0
strRaid = ""
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_DiskDrive")
For Each objItem in colItems
	nDisks = nDisks + 1
	ReDim Preserve strDisk(nDisks-1)
	ReDim Preserve strRaid(nDisks-1)
	strDisk(nDisks-1) = FormatNumber((objItem.Size / 1024 / 1024 /1024) ,0,TristateFalse,TristateFalse,TristateFalse) & " G"
	'if ( InStr(Lcase(objItem.Model), "raid" ) > 0 ) Then
		strRaid(nDisks-1) = Trim(objItem.Model) & ""
		strDisk(nDisks-1) = strDisk(nDisks-1)
	'	strRaid(nDisks-1) = "No Raid"
	'End If
' strDisk(nDisks) = strRaid
strDiskInfo(0) = Join(strDisk," / ")
strDiskInfo(1) = Join(strRaid," / ")

Dim strOSInfo
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each objItem in colItems
	strOSInfo = objItem.Caption

if ( strSep = ":" ) Then
	strMessage = "[" & Join(strModel, strSep) & "][" & Join(strCPU,strSep) & "][" & Join(strMem,strSep) & "][" & Join(strDiskInfo,strSep) & "][" & strOSInfo & "]"
	strMessage = Join(strModel, strSep) & strSep & Join(strCPU,strSep) & strSep & Join(strMem,strSep) & strSep & Join(strDiskInfo,strSep) & strSep & strOSInfo
	If ( strSep = strCSV ) Then
		strMessage = """" & strMessage & """"
	End If
End If

Wscript.Echo strMessage
