# check_https_cert - check a HTTPS Server with a Client-Certificate
# Copyright (c) 2009 Jens Ritter <jens.ritter@gmail.com>
# This script requires : 
# * LWP::UserAgent   ( libwww-perl )
# * Crypt::SSLeay    ( libcrypt-ssleay-perl )
# * Nagios::Plugin   ( cpan.org )
# Thanks to Jean-Marc Amiaud<jm@amiaud.org> for his check_mssql script- 
# from which I had copy/paste the nice layout for check_*-scripts.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

use lib "/usr/local/dom/lib/nagios/share/perl/5.8.8";
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw($PROGNAME $VERSION);
use File::Basename;
use Nagios::Plugin;
use LWP::UserAgent;
#use LWP::Debug qw(+);
my $DEBUG=0;

$VERSION = '0.0.1';

my $np = Nagios::Plugin->new( 
	usage => "Usage: %s -H <hostname> -c <certfile> -k <keyfile> -a <cacert> \n "
		."          -U <url> -p <port> -2 <p12filename> -pwd <p12password> -t <timeout>",
	version => $VERSION,
	plugin  => $PROGNAME,
	shortname => uc($PROGNAME),
	blurb => 'Check https with client-certificate',
	extra => "\n\nCopyright (c) 2009 Jens Ritter",
	timeout => 10,

	spec => 'hostname|H=s',
	help => "-H, --hostname=<hostname>\n"
	   . '    Webserver Hostname',
	required => 0
	spec => 'certfile|c=s',
	help => 'PEM-Certificate filename',
	required => 0

	spec => 'key|k=s',
	help => 'PEM-key filename',
	required => 0

	spec => 'cacert|a=s',
	help => 'CA-Root PEM-Certificate filename',
	required => 1

	spec => 'url|U=s',
	help => "Url to the Https",
	required => 0

	spec => "port|p=i",
	help => "optional port for https. Ignored if a URL is passed",
	required => 0

	spec => "p12|2=s",
	help => "P12-Filename",
	required => 0

	spec => "p12pass|p12passwd=s",
	help => "Password for the P12-File",
	required => 0

	spec => "timeout|t=s",
	help => "Https-Timeout",
	required => 0


my $hostname = $np->opts->hostname;      print "hostname : $hostname\n" if ($DEBUG);
my $certfile = $np->opts->certfile ||""; print "certfile : $certfile\n" if ($DEBUG);
my $key  = $np->opts->key ||"";          print "key      : $key\n" if ($DEBUG);
my $cacert=$np->opts->cacert ||"";	 print "cacert   : $cacert\n" if ($DEBUG);
my $url  = $np->opts->url ||"";          print "url      : $url\n" if ($DEBUG);
my $port = $np->opts->port ||443;        print "port     : $port\n" if ($DEBUG);
my $p12  = $np->opts->p12 ||"";          print "p12      : $p12\n" if ($DEBUG);
my $p12pw= $np->opts->p12pass ||"";      print "p12pw    : $p12pw\n" if ($DEBUG);
my $timeout=$np->opts->timeout ||"";     print "timeout  : $timeout\n" if ($DEBUG);

# Checkin' 
my $ok = 0;
$np->nagios_exit("UNKNOWN","CACert not found") unless (-e $cacert);
$np->nagios_exit("UNKNOWN","CACert is NOT a full filename") unless ($cacert =~ /^\//);

if ($certfile && $key ) {
	$ok = 1;
	unless ( -e $certfile && -e $key ) {
		$np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN',"$certfile or $key not found");
	unless ( $certfile =~ /^\// && $key =~ /^\//) {
		$np->nagios_exit("UNKNOWN","$certfile or $key is NOT a full filename");
if (!$ok && ( $p12 )) {
	$ok = 1;
	$np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN',"$p12 not found") unless ( -e $p12);
	$np->nagios_exit("UNKNOWN","$p12 is NOT a full filename") unless ($p12 =~/^\//);

if (!$ok) {
	$np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN',"A P12-file or certfile and keyfile needs to be choosen wisely");

unless ($hostname || $url ) {
	$np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN',"A hostname or a URL is deeply needed");

# now, i trust the user settings. .. let's begin the init-phase : 

# Cert-Files :  
$ENV{HTTPS_CA_FILE} = $cacert;
if ($certfile) {# certfile + keyfile
	$ENV{HTTPS_CERT_FILE} = $certfile;
	$ENV{HTTPS_KEY_FILE} =  $key;
} else { # p12 + p12pw
	$ENV{HTTPS_PKCS12_FILE} = $p12;


# doRequest
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

my $resp;
if ($url) { # by url
	$resp = $ua->get($url);
} else { # by hostname
	$resp = $ua->get("https://$hostname:$port");

if ($resp->is_success) {