#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # DNS blacklist plugin for Nagios # Written by Ben Ostrowsky # # Last Modified: 2006-09-07 # # Usage: ./check_dnsbl -H host -B blacklist [-T target] # # Description: # # This plugin will check DNS blacklists to see whether a specified host # is shunned by mail servers using a specified blacklist. # # Output: # # check_dnsbl will return: # 0 (OK) if the BLACKLIST zone does **NOT** claim to know anything # about the HOST. # 1 (WARNING) if the BLACKLIST zone has a record for the HOST, # but it is not TARGET. # 2 (CRITICAL) if the BLACKLIST zone identifies the HOST as a specified # TARGET, or if the BLACKLIST zone identifies the HOST # and a TARGET was not specified. # 3 (UNKNOWN) if something goes wrong. # # Examples: # # Look up in the SpamCop blacklist: # check_dnsbl bl.spamcop.net # # Find an IP address for mail.mydom.ain and look it up in # the SORBS Zombie List (http://www.us.sorbs.net/using.shtml): # check_dnsbl mail.mydom.ain dnsbl.sorbs.net # # Copyright Notice: GNU General Public License # # Based on the check_rpc plugin by Nguyen, DeBisschop and Ghosh # IP-address regex by David Landgren # (http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Rx/Recipe/230446) # Net::DNS sample code by Chris Wilkes # (http://ladro.com/docs/dns/rblsmtpd.html) # #################### DO A BIT OF HOUSEKEEPING ############################# use strict; use Net::DNS; use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec" ; use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support); use vars qw($PROGNAME $VERSION); my ($v,$host,$blacklist,$target,$resolved,$reversed); my ($dns,$query,$queryname,$rr,$timeout,$problem); my ($needle,$haystack,$element,$addresses,$ipregex); my ($message,$level); my ($opt_B,$opt_h,$opt_H,$opt_t,$opt_T,$opt_v,$opt_V); my (@results,@arecords); # "Explicitly initialize each variable in use. Otherwise with caching # enabled, the plugin will not be recompiled each time, and therefore # Perl will not reinitialize all the variables. All old variable # values will still be in effect." # http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html#PERLPLUGIN # $v=0; # default verbosity level $host=$blacklist=$target=$resolved=$reversed=''; $dns=$query=$queryname=$rr=$timeout=$problem=''; $needle=$haystack=$element=$addresses=$ipregex=''; $message=$level=''; $opt_B=$opt_h=$opt_H=$opt_t=$opt_T=$opt_v=$opt_V=''; @results=@arecords=(); $PROGNAME = "check_dnsbl"; $VERSION = "1.0"; sub print_help (); sub print_usage (); sub kvetch ($); # Kvetch (verb): To complain annoyingly. sub in ($$); sub verbose($$$); # Regular expression to identify a valid IPv4 address $ipregex='^(?:1\d?\d?|2(?:[0-4]\d?|[6789]|5[0-5]?)?|[3-9]\d?|0)' . '(?:\.(?:1\d?\d?|2(?:[0-4]\d?|[6789]|5[0-5]?)?|[3-9]\d?|0)){3}$'; #################### HANDLE THE COMMAND LINE ############################## use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions( "V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V, "h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h, "v+" => \$v, "verbose+" => \$v, "H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H, "B=s" => \$opt_B, "blacklist=s" => \$opt_B, "T=s" => \$opt_T, "target=s" => \$opt_T, "t=s" => \$opt_t, "timeout=s" => \$opt_t ); # -h means display verbose help screen if ($opt_h) { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } # -V means display version number if ($opt_V) { print_revision($PROGNAME,"version $VERSION"); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } # -H means host name unless ($opt_H) { kvetch("You must specify a host (-H host)."); } if (! utils::is_hostname($opt_H)) { kvetch("$opt_H is not a valid hostname or IP address."); } # -B means blacklist unless ($opt_B) { kvetch("You must specify a blacklist (-B blacklist)."); } # -t means timeout if ($opt_t =~ /^([0-9]+)$/) { $timeout = $1; verbose($v, 2, "Timeout is set to $timeout second" . ($timeout>1?"s":"") . ".\n"); } elsif ($opt_t ne "") { kvetch("Timeout (-t) must be an integer number of seconds. Target is -T."); } else { $timeout = $TIMEOUT; } # Set an alarm in case the process times out $SIG{'ALRM'}= sub { kvetch("$PROGNAME took more than $timeout seconds to respond."); }; alarm($timeout); # Set up a Net::DNS resolver object $dns = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; $host=$opt_H; $blacklist=$opt_B; $target=$opt_T; #################### BEGIN ACTUALLY DOING STUFF ########################### # Make sure $host is an IP address. If it's a DNS name, resolve it first. if ($host =~ /$ipregex/) { $resolved = $host; verbose($v, 2, "$host is an IP address. I'm not going to try to resolve it.\n"); } else { $query = $dns->search($host) or kvetch("Couldn't query DNS for \"$host\"."); foreach $rr ($query->answer) { next unless $rr->type eq "A"; push(@arecords, $rr->address); } $resolved = $arecords[0]; if ($#arecords > 0) { $addresses = $#arecords + 1; verbose($v, 1, "NOTE: $host has $addresses address records. "); verbose($v, 2, "\n\t$host -> " . join("\n\t$host -> ", @arecords) . "\n"); verbose($v, 1, "I'm only checking $resolved.\n"); } else { verbose($v, 1, "Resolved $host to $resolved.\n"); } } # Construct the DNS name to query. $reversed = join (".", reverse (split (/\./, $resolved))); $queryname = "$reversed.$blacklist"; verbose($v, 2, "Blacklist address to query: $queryname\n"); # Send the DNS query. $query = $dns->search($queryname); # If $query is blank, then the $host is not on the $blacklist. Hooray! if (!$query || $query eq "") { print "OK: $blacklist does not list $host"; if ($host ne $resolved) { print " ($resolved)"; } print "\n"; exit $ERRORS{"OK"}; } # If the DNS query returned a positive result (one or more IP addresses), # make a list of the answers we got. verbose($v, 2, "RESULTS:\n"); foreach $rr ($query->answer) { verbose($v, 2, "\t$queryname\t" . $rr->type. "\t" . $rr->address . "\n"); next unless $rr->type eq "A"; push (@results, $rr->address); } # Are we checking for a specific $target? if ($target eq "") { print "CRITICAL: $blacklist lists $host"; if ($host ne $resolved) { print " ($resolved)"; } print "!\n"; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}; } # If so, check for $target. elsif (grep (/$target/, @results) > 0) { print "CRITICAL: $blacklist lists $host"; if ($host ne $resolved) { print " ($resolved)"; } print " as $target"; print "!\n"; exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}; } # If not, return 1 (WARNING). else { print "WARNING: $blacklist lists $host"; if ($host ne $resolved) { print " ($resolved)"; } print " as " . join(", ", @results); print " ...but not as $target"; print ".\n"; exit $ERRORS{"WARNING"}; } # If we get this far, something is wrong. kvetch("UNKNOWN: $PROGNAME $VERSION didn't work properly. Sorry."); ################ Subroutines ################################################## # Print help sub print_help () { print_revision ($PROGNAME, "version $VERSION"); print "Copyright (C) 2006 Ben Ostrowsky \n"; print "\n"; print "Find out whether an address is on a DNS blacklist\n"; print "\n"; print_usage(); print " An IP address or domain name whose blacklist status\n"; print " you want to know\n"; print " The zone of a DNS blacklist (e.g. bl.spamcop.net)\n"; print " The IP address that the DNS blacklist\n"; print " might return (optional)\n"; print " [-h, --help] Print this help message and exit\n"; print " [-V, --version] Print version number and exit\n"; print " [-v, --verbose] Verbose (repeat for more details)\n"; print " [--timeout=N] Set timeout to N seconds (default $TIMEOUT)\n"; print " or [-t N] \n"; print "\n"; print "HINTS:\n"; print "\n"; print "* If you do not specify a , $PROGNAME will return CRITICAL\n"; print " on any match. Only specify a target if you really want one.\n"; print "\n"; print "* If you're just testing this plugin, try using \"-H\".\n"; } # Print basic usage sub print_usage () { print "Usage: \n"; print " $PROGNAME -H host -B blacklist [-T target] [-t timeout] [-v] [-v]\n"; print " $PROGNAME --help\n"; } # Does @haystack contain $needle? # Usage: if (in(\@haystack, $needle)) {} sub in ($$) { $haystack = shift; $needle = shift; while ( $element = shift @{$haystack} ) { if ($needle eq $element) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub kvetch ($) { $problem = shift; print "$problem\n"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } # Print verbose information. # Usage: verbose($v, n, $message); # Why pass $v every time? # "Do not use global variables in named subroutines. This is bad practise # anyway, but with ePN the compiler will report an error ' # will not stay shared ..'. Values used by subroutines should be passed # in the argument list." # http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html#PERLPLUGIN sub verbose ($$$) { my $verbose = shift; $level = shift; $message = shift; if ($verbose >= $level) { print $message; } }