#!/bin/ksh # # Nagios CPU Plugin # # Description: Check the cpu status # Author : Rakesh Narang # Version : 1.0 # # prog=`basename $0` if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 2 fi # CPU threshold values CPU_WARNING=$1 CPU_CRITICAL=$2 if (( $CPU_CRITICAL >= $CPU_WARNING )) then echo "Critical value must be less than the warning value" exit 5 fi OUTPUT=`vmstat 1 5|egrep -v "Time|kthr"|awk '{print $22}'|tail -1` if (( $OUTPUT <= $CPU_CRITICAL )) then echo "CRITICAL - CPU Utilisation is HIGH $OUTPUT% idle" exit 1 elif (( $OUTPUT <= $CPU_WARNING )) then echo "WARNING - CPU Utilisation is MED $OUTPUT% idle" exit 2 elif (( $CPU_WARNING < $OUTPUT )) then echo "OK - CPU Utilisations is OK $OUTPUT% idle" exit 0 else echo "CPU STATUS UNKNOWN" exit 3 fi