#! /usr/bin/perl # # check_bigip_vs - Check BigIP Virtual Servers status # # Designed for F5 BigIP 4.5 and LTM 9.x. # # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Thomas Guyot-Sionnest # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # use strict; use warnings; use vars qw($PROGNAME $VERSION $snmpcmd %bip); use Nagios::Plugin; $PROGNAME = 'check_bigip_vs'; $VERSION = '2.02'; $snmpcmd = '/usr/bin/snmpget'; # BigIP config. For each bigip version, there is the base OID and possible # status codes. The array defined for each status codes is passed directly # to the nagios_exit function. %bip = ( '4.5' => { 'OID' => '.', '1' => ['WARNING', 'Virtual Server is Disabled'], '2' => ['OK', 'Virtual Server is Up and available'], '3' => ['CRITICAL', 'No nodes available in this Virtual Server'], '4' => ['UNKNOWN', 'Virtual Server status is notOnThisUnit'] }, '9' => { 'OID' => '.', '0' => ['WARNING', 'Virtual Server is Disabled'], '1' => ['OK', 'Virtual Server is Up and available'], '2' => ['CRITICAL', 'Virtual Server is currently not available'], '3' => ['CRITICAL', 'Virtual Server is not available'], '4' => ['WARNING', 'Virtual Server status is unknown'] }, '9.3' => { 'OID' => '.', '0' => ['CRITICAL', 'Error'], '1' => ['OK', 'Virtual Server is Up and available'], '2' => ['CRITICAL', 'Virtual Server is currently not available'], '3' => ['CRITICAL', 'Virtual Server is not available'], '4' => ['WARNING', 'Virtual Server status is unknown'], '5' => ['CRITICAL', 'Unlicensed'] } ); my $np = Nagios::Plugin->new( usage => "Usage: %s -H -C -S \n" . ' -I [ -p ]', version => $VERSION, plugin => $PROGNAME, shortname => uc($PROGNAME), blurb => 'Check BigIP Virtual Server status', timeout => 10, ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'hostname|H=s', help => '-H, --hostname=', required => 1, ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'community|C=s', help => '-C, --community=', required => 1, ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'software|S=s', help => "-S, --software= \n" . " The BigIP software version running on the BigIP. This can be:\n" . " 4.5\tOlder BigIP models like the 5100 series.\n" . " 9\tNewer BigIP LTM like the 6400 series.\n", required => 1, ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'ipaddr|I=s', help => "-I, --ipaddr=\n" . " This is the exact (case-sensitive) Vitrual Server name for version 9 BigIP\n" . " models. On older version 4.5 models, use the Virtual Server IP address.", required => 1, ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'port|p=i', help => "-p, --port=\n" . " This parameter is required for version 4.5 BigIP and is ignored on version 9\n" . " models.", required => 0, ); $np->getopts; # Assign, then check args my $hostname = $np->opts->hostname; my $software = $np->opts->software; my $virtualServer = $np->opts->ipaddr; my $community = $np->opts->community; my $virtualServerPort = $np->opts->port; $np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN', 'Hostname contains invalid characters.') if ($hostname =~ /\`|\~|\!|\$|\%|\^|\&|\*|\||\'|\"|\<|\>|\?|\,|\(|\)|\=/); $np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN', "Unknown SW version $software.") if ($software ne '4.5' && $software ne '9'); if ($software eq '4.5') { $np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN', 'VS IP Address must be an IP address.') if ($virtualServer !~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/); $np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN', "VS IP Address $virtualServer is not a valid IP address.") if ($1<0 || $1>255 || $2<0 || $2>255 || $3<0 || $3>255 || $4<0 || $4>255); $np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN', 'Port is required for version 4.5 BigIP.') if (!$virtualServerPort); } $np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN', 'Community contains invalid characters.') if ($community =~ /\`|\~|\!|\$|\%|\^|\&|\*|\||\'|\"|\<|\>|\?|\,|\(|\)|\=/); # Just in case of problems, let's not hang Nagios alarm $np->opts->timeout; my $oid; # Get the complete OID for the Virtual Server status. if ($software eq '4.5') { $oid = $bip{$software}{'OID'}; $oid .= "$virtualServer.$virtualServerPort"; } if ($software eq '9') { # First get the exact version my $vercmd = "$snmpcmd -v2c -c $community -m '' -On -Oe $hostname ."; if ($np->opts->verbose) { print STDERR "Getting BigIP Version trough SNMP\n"; print STDERR "Running command: \"$vercmd\"\n" if ($np->opts->verbose >= 2); } else { $vercmd .= ' 2>/dev/null'; } my $version=`$vercmd`; print STDERR "Command returned: \"$version\"\n" if ($np->opts->verbose >= 3); $np->nagios_exit('CRITICAL', 'Could not retrieve information from the BigIP') if ($? != 0); my @version=split(/ /,$version); $version=$version[3] if (defined($version[3])); $version =~ m/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.\d+/; print "Got major version $1, minor version $2\n" if ($np->opts->verbose); if ($1 == 9 && $2 >= 3) { $software = '9.3'; } elsif ($1 ne '9') { $np->nagios_exit('CRITICAL', 'Unknown BigIP LTM version $version'); } $oid = $bip{$software}{'OID'}; my $vslength = length($virtualServer); $virtualServer =~ s/(.)/sprintf('.%u', ord($1))/eg; $oid .= $vslength . $virtualServer; } my $cmd = "$snmpcmd -v2c -c $community -m '' -On -Oe $hostname $oid"; if ($np->opts->verbose) { print STDERR "Getting 'virtualServerStatus' trough SNMP\n"; print STDERR "Running command: \"$cmd\"\n" if ($np->opts->verbose >= 2); } else { $cmd .= ' 2>/dev/null'; } my $result=`$cmd`; print STDERR "Command returned: \"$result\"\n" if ($np->opts->verbose >= 3); $np->nagios_exit('CRITICAL', 'Could not retrieve information from the BigIP') if ($? != 0); #Turn off alarm alarm(0); my @test=split(/ /,$result); $result=$test[3] if (defined($test[3])); $np->nagios_exit('CRITICAL', 'Could not interpret information from the BigIP') if ($result !~ /^\d+$/); my $status=int($result); # Return the VS status... $np->nagios_exit(@{$bip{$software}{$status}}) if (defined($bip{$software}{$status})); # We should NEVER end up here... $np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN', "Virtual Server status $status undefined");