#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright Hari Sekhon 2007 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # """Nagios plugin to test the state of all 3ware raid arrays and/or drives on all 3ware controllers on the local machine. Requires the tw_cli program written by 3ware, which should be called tw_cli_64 if running on a 64-bit system. May be remotely executed via any of the standard remote nagios execution mechanisms""" __version__ = 1.1 # Standard Nagios return codes OK = 0 WARNING = 1 CRITICAL = 2 UNKNOWN = 3 import os import re import sys try: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT except ImportError: print "Failed to import subprocess module.", print "Perhaps you are using a version of python older than 2.4?" sys.exit(CRITICAL) from optparse import OptionParser SRCDIR = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) def end(status, message, disks=False): """Exits the plugin with first arg as the return code and the second arg as the message to output""" check = "RAID" if disks == True: check = "DISKS" if status == OK: print "%s OK: %s" % (check, message) sys.exit(OK) elif status == WARNING: print "%s WARNING: %s" % (check, message) sys.exit(WARNING) elif status == CRITICAL: print "%s CRITICAL: %s" % (check, message) sys.exit(CRITICAL) else: print "UNKNOWN: %s" % message sys.exit(UNKNOWN) if os.geteuid() != 0: end(UNKNOWN, "You must be root to run this plugin") ARCH = os.uname()[4] if re.match("i[3456]86", ARCH): BIN = SRCDIR + "/tw_cli" elif ARCH == "x86_64": BIN = SRCDIR + "/tw_cli_64" else: end(UNKNOWN, "architecture is not x86 or x86_64, cannot run 3ware utility") if not os.path.exists(BIN): end(UNKNOWN, "3ware utility for this architecture '%s' cannot be found" \ % BIN) if not os.access(BIN, os.X_OK): end(UNKNOWN, "3ware utility '%s' is not executable" % BIN) def run(cmd): """runs a system command and returns stripped output""" if cmd == "" or cmd == None: end(UNKNOWN, "internal python error - " \ + "no cmd supplied for 3ware utility") try: process = Popen(BIN, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) except OSError, error: error = str(error) if error == "No such file or directory": end(UNKNOWN, "Cannot find 3ware utility '%s'" % BIN) else: end(UNKNOWN, "error trying to run 3ware utility - %s" % error) if process.poll(): end(UNKNOWN, "3ware utility process ended prematurely") try: stdout, stderr = process.communicate(cmd) except OSError, error: end(UNKNOWN, "unable to communicate with 3ware utility - %s" % error) if stdout == None or stdout == "": end(UNKNOWN, "No output from 3ware utility") output = str(stdout).split("\n") if output[1] == "No controller found.": end(UNKNOWN, "No 3ware controllers were found on this machine") stripped_output = output[3:-2] if process.returncode != 0: stderr = str(stdout).replace("\n"," ") end(UNKNOWN, "3ware utility returned an exit code of %s - %s" \ % (process.returncode, stderr)) else: return stripped_output def test_all(verbosity, warn_true=False, no_summary=False, show_drives=False): """Calls the raid and drive testing functions""" array_result, array_message = test_arrays(verbosity, warn_true, no_summary) if array_result != OK and not show_drives: return array_result, array_message drive_result, drive_message = test_drives(verbosity, no_summary) if drive_result > array_result: result = drive_result else: result = array_result if drive_result != OK: if array_result == OK: message = "Arrays OK but... " + drive_message else: message = array_message + ", " + drive_message else: if show_drives: message = array_message + ", " + drive_message else: message = array_message return result, message def test_arrays(verbosity, warn_true=False, no_summary=False): """Tests all the raid arrays on all the 3ware controllers on the local machine""" lines = run("show") #controllers = [ line.split()[0] for line in lines ] controllers = [ line.split()[0] for line in lines if line and line[0] == "c" ] status = OK message = "" number_arrays = 0 arrays_not_ok = 0 number_controllers = len(controllers) for controller in controllers: unit_lines = run("/%s show unitstatus" % controller) if verbosity >= 3: for unit_line in unit_lines: print unit_line print for unit_line in unit_lines: number_arrays += 1 unit_line = unit_line.split() state = unit_line[2] if state == "OK": continue elif state == "REBUILDING" or \ state == "VERIFY-PAUSED" or \ state == "VERIFYING" or \ state == "INITIALIZING": unit = int(unit_line[0][1:]) raid = unit_line[1] if state == "VERIFY-PAUSED" or \ state == "VERIFYING" or \ state == "INITIALIZING": percent_complete = unit_line[4] else: percent_complete = unit_line[3] message += "Array %s status is '%s'(%s on adapter %s) - " \ % (unit, state, raid, controller[1:]) if state == "REBUILDING": message += "Rebuild " elif state == "VERIFY-PAUSED" or state == "VERIFYING": message += "Verify " elif state == "INITIALIZING": message += "Initializing " message += "Status: %s%% complete, " % percent_complete if warn_true: arrays_not_ok += 1 if status == OK: status = WARNING else: arrays_not_ok += 1 unit = int(unit_line[0][1:]) raid = unit_line[1] message += "Array %s status is '%s'" % (unit, state) message += "(%s on adapter %s), " % (raid, controller[1:]) status = CRITICAL message = message.rstrip(", ") message = add_status_summary(status, message, arrays_not_ok, "arrays") if not no_summary: message = add_checked_summary(message, \ number_arrays, \ number_controllers, \ "arrays") return status, message def test_drives(verbosity, no_summary=False): """Tests all the drives on the all the 3ware raid controllers on the local machine""" lines = run("show") controllers = [ line.split()[0] for line in lines ] status = OK message = "" number_drives = 0 drives_not_ok = 0 number_controllers = len(controllers) for controller in controllers: drive_lines = run("/%s show drivestatus" % controller) number_drives += len(drive_lines) if verbosity >= 3: for drive_line in drive_lines: print drive_line print for drive_line in drive_lines: drive_line = drive_line.split() state = drive_line[1] if state == "OK" or state == "NOT-PRESENT": continue else: drives_not_ok += 1 drive = drive_line[0] if drive[0] == "d": drive = drive[1:] array = drive_line[2] if array[0] == "u": array = array[1:] message += "Status of drive in port " message += "%s is '%s'(Array %s on adapter %s), " \ % (drive, state, array, controller[1:]) status = CRITICAL message = message.rstrip(", ") message = add_status_summary(status, message, drives_not_ok, "drives") if not no_summary: message = add_checked_summary(message, \ number_drives, \ number_controllers, \ "drives") return status, message def add_status_summary(status, message, number_failed, device): """Adds a status summary string to the beginning of the message and returns the message""" if device == "arrays": if number_failed == 1: device = "array" elif device == "drives": if number_failed == 1: device = "drive" else: device = "[unknown devices, please check code]" if status == OK: if message == "": message = "All %s OK" % device + message else: message = "All %s OK - " % device + message else: message = "%s %s not OK - " % (number_failed, device) + message return message def add_checked_summary(message, number_devices, number_controllers, device): """Adds a summary string of what was checked to the end of the message and returns the message""" if device == "arrays": if number_devices == 1: device = "array" elif device == "drives": if number_devices == 1: device = "drive" else: device = "[unknown devices, please check code]" if number_controllers == 1: controller = "controller" else: controller = "controllers" message += " [%s %s checked on %s %s]" % (number_devices, device, \ number_controllers, controller) return message def main(): """Parses command line options and calls the function to test the arrays/drives""" parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-a", "--arrays-only", action="store_true", dest="arrays_only", help="Only test the arrays. By default both arrays " \ + "and drives are checked") parser.add_option( "-d", "--drives-only", action="store_true", dest="drives_only", help="Only test the drives. By default both arrays " \ + "and drives are checked") parser.add_option( "-n", "--no-summary", action="store_true", dest="no_summary", help="Do not display the number of arrays/drives " \ + "checked. By default the number of arrays and " \ + "drives checked are printed at the end of the " \ + "line. This is useful information and helps to " \ + "know that they are detected properly") parser.add_option( "-s", "--show-drives", action="store_true", dest="show_drives", help="Show drive status. By default drives are " \ + "checked as well as arrays, but there is no " \ + "output regarding them unless there is a " \ + "problem. Use this is you want drive details as " \ + "well when there is an array problem (default " \ + "behaviour is to only show the array problem to " \ + "avoid too much cluttering information), " \ + "or if you want to see the drive information " \ + "even when all drives are ok") parser.add_option( "-w", "--warn-rebuilding", action="store_true", dest="warn_true", help="Warn when an array is Rebuilding, Initializing " \ + "or Verifying. You might want to do this to keep " \ + "a closer eye on things. Also, these conditions " \ + "can affect performance so you might want to " \ + "know this is going on. Default is to not warn " \ + "during these states as they are not usually " \ + "problems") parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="verbosity", help="Verbose mode. Good for testing plugin. By default\ only one result line is printed as per Nagios standards") parser.add_option( "-V", "--version", action="store_true", dest="version", help="Print version number and exit") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.print_help() sys.exit(UNKNOWN) arrays_only = options.arrays_only drives_only = options.drives_only no_summary = options.no_summary show_drives = options.show_drives warn_true = options.warn_true verbosity = options.verbosity version = options.version if version: print __version__ sys.exit(OK) if arrays_only and drives_only: print "You cannot use the -a and -d switches together, they are", print "mutually exclusive\n" parser.print_help() sys.exit(UNKNOWN) elif arrays_only and show_drives: print "You cannot use the -a and -s switches together" print "No drive information can be printed if you only check arrays\n" parser.print_help() sys.exit(UNKNOWN) elif drives_only and warn_true: print "You cannot use the -d and -w switches together" print "Array warning states are invalid when testing only drives\n" parser.print_help() sys.exit(UNKNOWN) if arrays_only: result, output = test_arrays(verbosity, warn_true, no_summary) elif drives_only: result, output = test_drives(verbosity, no_summary) end(result, output, True) else: result, output = test_all(verbosity, warn_true, no_summary, show_drives) end(result, output) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Caught Control-C..." sys.exit(CRITICAL)