#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Check temperature of 1Wire device # Requires use of owfs # # By Peter Andersson # peter@it-slav.net # http://www.it-slav.net/blogs/?p=115 # Licence GPLv2 use strict; use Getopt::Std; use OW; my $owserver = ""; my(%ERRORS) = ( OK=>0, WARNING=>1, CRITICAL=>2, UNKNOWN=>3 ); my $temperature; my $status=$ERRORS{OK};; my $message; my $debug_flag=0; our($opt_c, $opt_w, $opt_W, $opt_C, $opt_h, $opt_o, $opt_i); getopts("w:W:c:C:ho:i:"); sub printhelp () { print "Usage: check_1-wiretemp [-h] -c lowtempcritical -w lowtempwarning -W higtempwarning -C higtempcritical -i id [-o owserver:port]\n"; print "-h Help, this text\n-c num Critical threshold for low temp\n-w num Warning threshold for low temp\n"; print "-W num Warning threshold for hightemp\n-C num Critical threshold for hightemp\n"; print "-o :port, Servername of 1-wire server and portnumber the owserver use, default\n"; print "-i 1-wire ID, i.e. 10.DEF05F01080015\n"; print "\n\t\tby Peter Andersson\n\t\tpeter\@it-slav.net\n\t\thttp://www.it-slav.net/blogs/?p=115\n"; if ($debug_flag) { print "opt_c:$opt_c opt_w:$opt_w opt_W:$opt_W opt_C:$opt_C opt_h:$opt_h owserver:$owserver opt_i:$opt_i Temperture:$temperature\n"; } exit $status; } #sanity check if (!defined $opt_c||!defined $opt_w||!defined $opt_W||!defined $opt_C||$opt_h) { $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } elsif ($opt_c > $opt_w) { print "Critical low threshold must be higher or equal to warning low threshold\n"; $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } elsif ($opt_w > $opt_W || $opt_c > $opt_C) { print "Lower tresholds must be lower then higher thresholds\n"; $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } elsif ($opt_C < $opt_W) { print "Higher critical threshold must be higher or equal to higher warning threshold\n"; $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } if ($opt_o) { $owserver = $opt_o; } unless(OW::init($owserver)) { $status = $ERRORS{CRIT}; $message = "OWServer not running at $owserver\n"; exit $status; } $temperature = OW::get("$opt_i/temperature"); $temperature =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; #remove whitespaces unless (($temperature =~ /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$/) || ($temperature =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/)) #check that it is an integer or decimal returned { $message="Did not got an integer or a decimal from temperature probe"; $status=$ERRORS{CRITICAL}; } $temperature = sprintf("%.2f", $temperature); if ($debug_flag) { print "opt_c:$opt_c opt_w:$opt_w opt_W:$opt_W opt_C:$opt_C opt_h:$opt_h owserver:$owserver opt_i:$opt_i Temperture:$temperature\n"; } if ($temperature <= $opt_c) { $status=$ERRORS{CRITICAL}; $message="CRITICAL"; } elsif ($temperature > $opt_c && $temperature <= $opt_w) { $status=$ERRORS{WARNING}; $message="WARNING"; } elsif ($temperature > $opt_w && $temperature < $opt_W) { $status=$ERRORS{OK}; $message="OK"; } elsif ($temperature >= $opt_W && $temperature < $opt_C) { $status=$ERRORS{WARNING}; $message="WARNING"; } elsif ($temperature >= $opt_C) { $status=$ERRORS{CRITICAL}; $message="CRITICAL"; } else { #This should never happend $status=$ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; $message="UNKNOW"; } print "$message: $temperature C\|temperature=$temperature;$opt_c;$opt_w;$opt_W;$opt_C\n"; exit $status;