#!/usr/bin/perl -s ############################################### # # # Description : perl script for executing a generic SQL command # the script retrieve the first row of the first col # result must be numeric # # Pre-req : user need to have select right on SYS.DBA_OBJECTS view # # Author : David Ligeret (david.ligeret at gmail.com) # ############################################### # # Usage : perl -s check_oracle_objects -SID=<SID> -dbuser=<dbuser> -dbpassword=<dbpassword> -w=<warning> -c=<critical> [-detail=1] # -SID : Oracle SID # -dbuser : Oracle user # -dbpassword : Oracle password # -w : amount for warning # -c : amount for critical # -detail : list invalid objects if found # ############################################### # # History : # - 20061121 (ligeret) : initial release # - 20080306 (ligeret) : change generic script to specific function (checking objects) # ############################################### # # TODO : # ############################################### use DBI; # Nagios specific use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec"; use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT); my $ERRORS = { 'OK' => 0, 'WARNING' => 1, 'CRITICAL'=> 2, 'UNKNOWN' => 3 }; # Globals my $version = '0.1'; # if you already have a TNS_ADMIN environment variable do not # comment following line # otherwise you can uncomment and overwrite the variable if you want # to specify the tnsnames.ora file directory #$ENV{TNS_ADMIN} = '/usr/lib/oracle/'; # Functions sub usage { print qq{Usage : $0 -SID=<SID> -dbuser=<dbuser> -dbpassword=<dbpassword> -w=<warning> [-detail=1] -SID : Oracle SID -dbuser : Oracle user -dbpassword : Oracle password -w : amount for warning -c : amount for critical -detail : list invalid objects if found } } # check user's inputs sub check_arguments { if (!$SID || !$dbuser || !$dbpassword) { print ("Invalid argument(s) !\n"); &usage; exit $ERRORS->{'UNKNOWN'}; } } # print help if (defined($h)) { &usage; exit $ERRORS->{'OK'}; } &check_arguments; # establish DB connection unless ($dbhandle = DBI->connect ("dbi:Oracle:$SID", $dbuser, $dbpassword)) { print ("CRITICAL: $DBI::errstr"); exit $ERRORS->{'CRITICAL'}; } # execute query $q = "select count(*) from dba_objects where status!='VALID'"; my $statement = $dbhandle->prepare($q); unless ($statement->execute()) { print ("Execution error"); exit $ERRORS->{'UNKNOWN'}; } # retrieve result my @row = $statement->fetchrow_array(); $statement->finish(); my $exit_code = 0; if (@row[0] >= $c) { print "CRITICAL: "; $exit_code = 2; } elsif (@row[0] >= $w) { print "WARNING: "; $exit_code = 1; } else { print "OK: "; } my $number_of_invalid = @row[0]; my $detailed_message; if ($detail == 1) { $q = "select owner||'.'||object_name from dba_objects where status!='VALID'"; my $statement = $dbhandle->prepare($q); unless ($statement->execute()) { $detailed_message = "Failed to retrieve object(s) name"; } else { while (@row = $statement->fetchrow_array()) { $detailed_message .= @row[0]. " "; } } } print ($number_of_invalid." invalid object(s)"); if ($detail == 1) { print (": ".$detailed_message); } exit $exit_code;