#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #standard stuff # This program is suppossed to be GPL software # you should get a README and a CHANGELOG along with this # Created by Bill Barry #TODO: look up how you are suppossed to distribute GPL (what needs to be written at the top of files and such) ################################################################################################## #Program Header: sets up command line arguments, and declares #functions and variables for future use # # #Misc todo's #TODO: Make program read default host and service configuration options from a file with the name $subnet.template #IO::Socket is used to retrieve the ip address for some given fdqn use IO::Socket; #this is intended to be a Nagios plugin use lib "nagios/plugins"; #All perl Nagios plugins should use these values: use utils qw(%ERRORS &print_revision &support); use vars qw($PROGNAME); #All Nagios plugins should have a timeout my ($TIMEOUT) = 20; #needs to be this long, might even need to be bigger #Set up variables for command line arguments my ($verbose,$nowrite,$writescreen) = (0,0,0); my ($opt_V,$opt_h) = (0,0); #TODO: talk to Nagios plugin developers (This is be a var that utils should provide) my ($REVISION); my ($PATH_TO_TRACEROUTE) = "/usr/sbin/traceroute "; my ($PATH_TO_FPING) = "/usr/sbin/fping "; # This defines where very verbose mode ends and very-very-verbose mode begins my ($verbose_threshold) = 2; my ($error_redirect) = "/dev/null"; $PROGNAME = "check_find_new_hosts"; $REVISION = 'Version: 1.0.2 $ '; #foward declarations to make the code easier to read sub print_help (); sub print_usage (); #These were in check-rpc, so I copied them over here, I am not sure why I have them here #The code runs perfectly fine without them. $ENV{'BASH_ENV'}=''; $ENV{'ENV'}=''; $ENV{'PATH'}=''; $ENV{'LC_ALL'}='C'; #finally a little code: Getopt parses the command line for the arguments it provides #and Getopt::Long makes more sense to me than the normal Getopt does. #TODO: add timeout options use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions( "V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V, "h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h, "v+" => \$verbose, "verbose+" => \$verbose, "x" => \$nowrite, "nowrite" => \$nowrite, "s" => \$writescreen, "stdout" => \$writescreen, ); #don't go on if there is an unknown option(print usage statement and quit) if ($Getopt::Long::error) { print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } # -h means display help screen (more verbose than usage, but can be made more verbose by using -v) if ($opt_h) { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } # -V means display version number if ($opt_V) { print_revision($PROGNAME,$REVISION); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } if ($verbose > $verbose_threshold) { $error_redirect = "&1"; } #Just in case of problems, let's not hang Nagios, instead configure a timeout $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { print ("ERROR: Program timed out (set a higher timeout or use a higher netmask) (alarm)\n"); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; }; alarm($TIMEOUT); #there should be 4 more arguments here, in the following order: # /directory address netmask contact_group #TODO: make code more robust and figure out which argument is which if($#ARGV != 3 ) { print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } my ($address_list_dir,$subnet,$netmask,$contact_group) = @ARGV; ################################################################################################## #Function implementations # # #Function: # exit_error #Reason for existance: # for exiting the program prematurely upon an error in some code #Preconditions: # First (only) argument is a string containing the error #Postconditions: # Program is ended #Side effects: # Information printed to the screen sub exit_error { print shift; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } #Function: # print_help #Reason for existance: # Prints the help screen #Preconditions: # $verbose may be set and does different things depending on value # $PROGNAME must be set and would only make sense to be the name of the program # $REVISION must be set #Postconditions: # None #Side effects: # Information printed to the screen sub print_help() { print_revision($PROGNAME,$REVISION); print "Copyright (c) 2005 Bill Barry\n"; print "\n"; print "Use the following to find new hosts on the network and write them to cfg files\n"; print "\n"; print_usage(); print "\n"; print " /cfg_directory The directory containing host and services for \n"; print " the subnet you want to search.\n"; print " ip An ip address in that subnet.\n"; print " netmask A value [0..31] for the number of 1s in the netmask\n"; print " e.g. is 24 and is 25\n"; print " I wouldn't suggest a value below 24\n"; if(!$verbose) { print "For more help try [-v -h] or [-v -v -h] or [-v -v -v -h]\n"; } print " [-v] Verbose \n"; print " [-v -v] Very Verbose \n"; print " [-v -v -v] Very Very Verbose \n"; print " [-x] Don't write config files\n"; print " [-s] Write them to STDOUT\n"; if($verbose) { print "\nFiles with the extension .skip are read and parsed by this program\n"; print "so if you want to not include some ip address, let the program find it\n"; print "and rename the file as a .skip extension\n\n"; print "This program returns a warning as long as there are names in the\n"; print "unknown group so delete them (from the group) to get rid of the warning.\n"; } if($verbose > 1) { print "\n You can combine options like this to make it easier to type:\n"; print " $PROGNAME -vvh <= gives you this help screen.\n"; print " Long options:\n"; print " -v = --verbose\n -h = --help\n -V = --version\n"; print " -x = --nowrite\n -s = --stdout\n"; } if($verbose > 2) { print "\nIf you need to contact me you can:\n"; print " post to the meulie.net forums\n"; print " contact me at http://after-fallout.deviantart.com/\n"; print " email me at after.fallout\@gmail.com\n"; print " AIM : after fallout\n\n"; print "\n Email me with bugs / enhancements that you can think of.\n"; print "\n For Current TO","DO list type: cat $PROGNAME | grep TO","DO\n"; # print " Make program read default host and service configuration options from a file\n"; # print ' with the name $subnet.template',"\n\n"; } print "\n"; # support(); } #Function: # print_usage #Reason for existance: # Prints the usage statements #Preconditions: # $PROGNAME must be set and would only make sense to be the name of the program #Postconditions: # None #Side effects: # Information printed to the screen sub print_usage () { print "Usage: \n"; print " $PROGNAME [-v+] [-x] [-s] config_directory ip_address netmask contacts\n"; print " $PROGNAME [-v+] [-h]\n"; print " $PROGNAME [-V]\n"; } #Function: # get_addresses #Reason for existance: # Gets every computer that Nagios knows is currently on the network #Preconditions: # $verbose may be set and has various side effects # arguments are a list of directories that have parsable files inside of them # whether they are .cfg files or .skip files #Postconditions: # Scalar context: # returns a string containing "$resolved_name:$ip_address#$resolved_name:$ip_address#..." # List context: # returns a list of strings each containing "$resolved_name:$ip_address" #Side effects: # If very-very-verbose mode is set, this prints some information to the screen sub get_addresses { #(directory with cfgfiles) #this function will only be used where a return value is requested (no side effects) return unless defined wantarray; #initializing everything my ($dir,$computers,$addresses,@cfgfiles,$file,@computers,@addresses,$retval,@retval); $computers = ""; $addresses = ""; $retval = ""; #parse each directory while (defined ($dir = shift)) { #open the directory, get the config files that are in the directory, #and close the dir opendir(DIR, $dir) or exit_error "ERROR: can't opendir $dir: $!\n"; @cfgfiles = grep { /\.cfg$/ or /\.skip$/ } readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; #parse each config file for $file (@cfgfiles) { #open the file, and look for lines containing the string "host{" open CONFIG, "$dir/$file" or exit_error "ERROR: can't open $dir/$file: $!\n"; while() { if (/host{/) { #grab the next line # it is suppossed to look like this # host_name name $_ = ; chomp; $_ =~ /((\w*[\-\.])*\w*\w)\s*$/; #add the name to , seperated a list of computers $computers=sprintf "%s,%s", $computers,$1; #skip a line and grab the ip address or the fdqn $_ = ; $_ = ; chomp; /((\w*[\-\.])*\w*\w)\s*$/; if ($verbose > $verbose_threshold) { print "$file $_\n"; } $addresses=sprintf "%s,%s", $addresses,$1; } } #done with the config file close CONFIG; } } #get rid of the first value in the list store it in an array @computers = split /,/ , $computers; ($_,@computers)=@computers; @addresses = split /,/ , $addresses; ($_,@addresses)=@addresses; #begin creating the 2d array containing computer names and ip addresses for (0..$#computers) { if($addresses[$_] =~ /\..*\..*\./) { #it is an ip address $retval = sprintf "%s#%s:%s", $retval, $computers[$_],$addresses[$_]; } else { #gets the address for a server that supplied a fdqn rather #than an ip address #This is why the line #use IO::Socket; #is at the beginning of the program if ($verbose > $verbose_threshold) { print "$addresses[$_]\n"; } my($addr)=inet_ntoa((gethostbyname($addresses[$_]))[4]); $retval = sprintf "%s#%s:%s", $retval, $computers[$_], $addr } } #get rid of the first value in the list store it in an array @retval = split /#/ , $retval; ($_,@retval)=@retval; #if subroutine was called in scaler context then return a string with #'s seperating #the rows and : seperating the columns $retval = join "#", @retval; return wantarray ? @retval : $retval; } #Function: # cmpip #Reason for existance: # numerically compares 2 ip addresses #Preconditions: # the 2 arguments are both strings containing ipv4 addresses in x.x.x.x notation #Postconditions: # returns -1 if the first argument is before the second, 0 if they are the same # and 1 if the first comes after the second (I think) #Side effects: # None sub cmpip { my ($ip1,$ip2) = @_; #split the addresses into 2 sets of 4 numbers my ($ip1a,$ip1b,$ip1c, $ip1d, $ip2a,$ip2b,$ip2c, $ip2d); ($ip1a,$ip1b,$ip1c, $ip1d) = split /\./, $ip1; ($ip2a,$ip2b,$ip2c, $ip2d) = split /\./, $ip2; #a monster return statement return ($ip1a <=> $ip2a or $ip1b <=> $ip2b or $ip1c <=> $ip2c or $ip1d <=> $ip2d); } #Function: # in #Reason for existance: # says if a list has a value in it (compares as strings) #Preconditions: # A list and a string are sent in in that order #Postconditions: # returns 1 if the string is found in the list, 0 otherwise #Side effects: # None sub in {#parameters: (@list,$val_to_find) my ($tofind) = pop; for (@_) { return 1 if ($_ eq $tofind); } 0; } #Function: # find_new #Reason for existance: # finds new addresses on the network that Nagios doesn't know about #Preconditions: # arguments are as follows: ip, netmask, sorted_list # ip is an ip address on the subnet that the user wants to discover # netmask is a value 0-31 that says how large the network is # see man fping for more information # sorted_list has a list of "name:ip" (sorted numerically by ip) # $verbose may be set and causes certain side effects # fping must be installed and located at /usr/sbin/fping #Postconditions: # Scalar context: # returns a : seperated list of ip addresses # List context: # returns a list of ip addresses #Side effects: # Network traffic is generated via /usr/sbin/fping # If $verbose is set some information may be printed to STDOUT sub find_new { #this function will only be used where a return value is requested return unless defined wantarray; my ($subnet,$netmask,@list) = @_; #for splitting the ip addresses off of the list my (@used) = @list; #other variables needed my ($next_to_skip,$useless,$list,$error_redirect)=(0,0,"","/dev/null"); #split them off for (0..$#list) { ($useless,$used[$_]) = split /:/, $list[$_]; } #the initial list has all ip's that respond and the final list doesn't have any that are in the other list my (@responsive_list_initial,@responsive_list_final); #the real work has already happened, props to whoever wrote fping #redirect standard error to null #ATTEMPT TO FIX # @responsive_list_initial = `/usr/sbin/fping -a -r 1 -g $subnet/$netmask 2>/dev/null` or exit_error "ERROR: Cannot execute fping\n"; open CMD , "$PATH_TO_FPING a -r 1 -g $subnet/$netmask 2>$error_redirect |" or exit_error "ERROR: Cannot execute fping\n"; print "$PATH_TO_FPING a -r 1 -g $subnet/$netmask 2>$error_redirect |\n"; #get rid of addresses that are in the other list @responsive_list_initial = ; for (@responsive_list_initial) { # while () { chomp; print "found : $_ \n" if ($verbose > $verbose_threshold); while (cmpip($used[$next_to_skip],$_) == -1) { print "comparing : $_ and $used[$next_to_skip]\n" if ($verbose > $verbose_threshold); #for very-very verbose mode $next_to_skip++; } if (cmpip($used[$next_to_skip],$_) == 0) { print "skipped : $_ \n" if ($verbose > $verbose_threshold);#for very-very verbose mode next; } print "added: $_ \n" if ($verbose > $verbose_threshold);#for very-very verbose mode #if it passed all those tests it can be added to the final list push @responsive_list_final,$_; } close CMD; #when called in scalar context return a : seperated list $list=join ':',@responsive_list_final; return wantarray ? @responsive_list_final : $list; } #Function: # get_info_from_ip #Reason for existance: # retrieves information about a host using traceroute #Preconditions: # a list of ip addresses is sent in as the arguments # $verbose may be set # traceroute is installed at /usr/sbin/traceroute #Postconditions: # Scalar context: # returns a string containing "name:ip_address:parentname:parentip_address#name:ip_address:parentname:parentip_address#..." # List context: # returns a list of strings each containing "name:ip_address:parentname:parentip_address" #Side effects: # Network traffic is generated via /usr/sbin/traceroute # If $verbose is set some information may be printed to STDOUT #TODO: get information about running services on host (nmap) sub get_info_from_ip { #this function will only be used where a return value is requested (no side effects) return unless defined wantarray; #these values are what is eventually returned my(@infolist,$infostring); #for each ip address for (@_) { #this is the information that the function looks for my ($name,$longname,$ip_addr,$parentname,$parentlongname,$parentip_addr); # print "$_\n"; #get each line from traceroute's standard output and redirect standard error to null my (@information) = (); #OLD CODE # @information = `/usr/sbin/traceroute $_ 2>/dev/null` or exit_error "ERROR: Cannot execute traceroute\n"; # if ($verbose > $verbose_threshold) { # @information = `/usr/sbin/traceroute $_ ` or exit_error "ERROR: Cannot execute traceroute\n"; # print @information; # } open CMD , "$PATH_TO_TRACEROUTE $_ 2>$error_redirect |" or exit_error "ERROR: Cannot execute traceroute\n"; @information = ; close CMD; print @information if ($verbose > $verbose_threshold); #get the longname (fdqn) and the ip or 2 copies of the ip, depending on what was returned $information[-1] =~ /\s\s(.*)\s\((.*)\)/; $longname = $1; $ip_addr = $2; #self explanitory if($longname eq $ip_addr) { #the longname is an ip address $longname =~ /.*\..*\.(.*\..*)/; #the resolved name should be the number pair of the 2 least significant numbers (0.1 in $name = $1; } else { #it is a fdqn $longname =~ /(.*)\..*\..*/; #the resolved name is the computer name registered on the domain (asdf on asdf.jkl.com) $name = $1; } #if the host has a parent if($#information) { #get the information for the parent also (same code as above) $information[-2] =~ /\s\s(.*)\s\((.*)\)/; $parentlongname = $1; $parentip_addr = $2; if($parentlongname eq $parentip_addr) { $parentlongname =~ /.*\..*\.(.*\..*)/; $parentname = $1; } else { $parentlongname =~ /(.*)\..*\..*/; $parentname = $1; } } else { #the host has no parent so... $parentname = ""; $parentip_addr = ""; } #finished with this host, push it onto the list push (@infolist, (sprintf "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s",$name,$longname,$ip_addr,$parentname,$parentip_addr)); } #if called in scalar context we need to concatonate $infostring=join '#',@infolist; return wantarray ? @infolist : $infostring; } #Function: # byipaddress #Reason for existance: # enables sort to sort ip addresses numerically #Preconditions: # $a and $b are strings containing "name:ip_address" #Postconditions: # returns -1 if $a is before the $b, 0 if they are the same # and 1 if $a comes after $b (I think) #Side effects: # None sub byipaddress { my ($name1,$ip1,$name2,$ip2); ($name1,$ip1) = split /:/, $a; ($name2,$ip2) = split /:/, $b; return cmpip ($ip1,$ip2); } #Function: # writeconf_host_and_services #Reason for existance: # write the host/service configuration file #Preconditions: # arguments: FILE,ip,name,fdqn,USEFDQN,parents,contact_groups, # and optionally (not coded yet) a list of services to check # FILE must be an opened file handle that is ready for output #Postconditions: # None #Side effects: # Information is printed to FILE #TODO: write better service options sub writeconf_host_and_services { #FILE,ip,name,fdqn,USEFDQN,parents,contact_groups,check_ports_1 my ($file) = shift; my ($ip_address,$resolved_name,$fdqn,$use_fdqn,$parents,$contact_groups,@open_ports) = @_; #host print $file "define host{\n"; print $file " host_name $resolved_name\n"; print $file " alias $fdqn\n"; if($use_fdqn) { print $file " address $fdqn\n"; } else { print $file " address $ip_address\n"; } if(defined $parents) { print $file " parents $parents\n"; } print $file " check_command check-host-alive\n"; print $file " max_check_attempts 5\n"; print $file " contact_groups $contact_groups\n"; print $file " notification_interval 30\n"; print $file " notification_period 24x7\n"; print $file " notification_options n\n }\n\n"; #service print $file "define service{\n"; print $file " use generic-service\n"; print $file " host_name $resolved_name\n"; print $file " service_description PING\n"; print $file " is_volatile 0\n"; print $file " check_period 24x7\n"; print $file " max_check_attempts 3\n"; print $file " normal_check_interval 5\n"; print $file " retry_check_interval 1\n"; print $file " contact_groups admin-500\n"; print $file " notification_interval 120\n"; print $file " notification_period 24x7\n"; print $file " notification_options c,r\n"; print $file " check_command check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%\n"; print $file " }\n\n"; } #Function: # writeconf_hostgroup #Reason for existance: # write the hostgroup configuration file #Preconditions: # arguments: #FILE,name1,name2,... # FILE must be an opened file handle that is ready for output #Postconditions: # None #Side effects: # Information is printed to FILE sub writeconf_hostgroup { #FILE,name1,name2,... my ($file) = shift; my ($last) = pop; my (@most) = @_; print $file "define hostgroup {\n"; print $file " hostgroup_name undefined\n"; print $file " alias Non-Configured\n"; print $file " members "; for (@most) { print $file "$_,"; } print $file "$last\n }\n\n"; } ################################################################################################## #Main expects everything to be set up (command line params) and to be called with 3 arguments: #address_list_dir, subnet, and netmask # # #Function: # main #Reason for existance: # runs the program #Preconditions: # arguments: directory to address list, ip address, netmask, contact_group # all arguments must be set up correctly # $verbose may be set # other command line options all are aready set up #Postconditions: # Program is exited with return values vased on what was found on the network #Side effects: # Information is printed to STDOUT # Information is printed to various files sub main { my ($address_list_dir,$subnet,$netmask, $contact_group) = @_; my (@ip_list,@used,@information,@resolved_names); #get addresses nagios already knows about and sort it numerically @used = get_addresses $address_list_dir; @used = sort byipaddress @used; #print for very-very-verbose if ($verbose >= $verbose_threshold) { print "used hosts:\n--------------------------------------------------------\n"; for (@used) { printf "Name: %s IP: %s \n" , split /:/; } } #get new addresses on the network @ip_list = find_new $subnet,$netmask,@used; #print for very-very-verbose if ($verbose >= $verbose_threshold) { print "\n\n\nto be added hosts:\n--------------------------------------------------------\n"; for (@ip_list) { print "$_\n"; } } #get information about new addresses @information = get_info_from_ip @ip_list; if ($verbose >= $verbose_threshold) { print "\n\n\nhost information:\n--------------------------------------------------------\n"; } for (@information) { my($ip_address,$resolved_name,$fdqn,$use_fdqn,$parents,$contact_groups,@therest); ($resolved_name,$fdqn,$ip_address,$parents,@therest) = split /:/; if ($verbose >= $verbose_threshold) { print "Name: $resolved_name fdqn/ip: $fdqn / $ip_address parent:",(defined $parents ? $parents: ""); print "\n"; } if(!$nowrite) { open NEWCONFIG, ">", "$address_list_dir/$resolved_name.cfg" or print "Couldn't open $address_list_dir/$resolved_name.cfg"; writeconf_host_and_services *NEWCONFIG,$ip_address,$resolved_name,$fdqn,1,$parents,$contact_group; close NEWCONFIG; } if (($verbose > $verbose_threshold) or $writescreen) {#very-very-verbose or stdout writeconf_host_and_services *STDOUT,$ip_address,$resolved_name,$fdqn,1,$parents,$contact_group; #maybe print very-very-verbose? } if(!in(@resolved_names,$resolved_name)) { push @resolved_names,$resolved_name; } } if(@resolved_names) { #before this starts writing hostgroup; add any hostgroups that are already in the unknown hostgroup if( -e "$address_list_dir/nagios_hostgroup_unknown.cfg") { open GROUP, "$address_list_dir/nagios_hostgroup_unknown.cfg"; $_ = ; if(/define/) { $_ = ; $_ = ; $_ = ; chomp; /members\s*(.*)/; for (split /,/,$1) { if(!in(@resolved_names,$_)) { push @resolved_names,$_; } } } } #write the hostgroup file if(!$nowrite) { open GROUP, ">", "$address_list_dir/nagios_hostgroup_unknown.cfg" ; writeconf_hostgroup *GROUP,@resolved_names; close GROUP; } if (($verbose > $verbose_threshold) or $writescreen) {#very-very-verbose or stdout writeconf_hostgroup *STDOUT,@resolved_names; } if($verbose) { print ("WARNING: Hosts: ",join (", ",@resolved_names)," need to be configured.\n"); } else { print "WARNING: New host(s) found and need to be configured.\n"; } exit $ERRORS{'WARNING'}; } else { if( -e "$address_list_dir/nagios_hostgroup_unknown.cfg") { if($verbose) { open GROUP, "$address_list_dir/nagios_hostgroup_unknown.cfg"; $_ = ; if(/define/) { $_ = ; $_ = ; $_ = ; chomp; /members\s*(.*)/; print "WARNING: Hosts: $1 are in the unknown group.\n"; } } else { print "WARNING: Check nagios_hostgroup_unknown.cfg for new hosts.\n"; } exit $ERRORS{'WARNING'}; } print "OK: No network changes occurred.\n"; exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } } #this should be almost the last line in the program, just to make sure that everything runs correctly #really nothing should happen after main runs except output for what nagios needs to know for its check main ($address_list_dir,$subnet,$netmask,$contact_group); print ("ERROR: Something really bad happenned, the code should never get here\n"); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};