Install mod_python with apache if your don't have it already. (
Install configobj for python by typing this in your shell: easy_install configobj
If you don't have easy_install then you're missing setuptools for python. If you are running Debian, you can install it with
apt-get install python-setuptools or you can download it from
Edit side.html in your Nagios directory and just above 'Tactical Over' add this:
DashBoard |
Copy dashboard*.py files in your Nagios cgi-bin directory with rest of cgi files (avail.cgi, cmd.cgi, tac.cgi, extinfo.cgi ...)
Copy dashboard.css in your Nagios stylesheets directory with rest of css files!
Create DashBoard directory inside Nagios directory named dh which will hold user's configuration files for Dashboard.
Edit dashboard*.py files and change the datfile and cfgfile PATHs.
Clear your cache in browser and reload Nagios web page. Now you should see DashBoard link in your left-side menu.
Create your own configuration and start monitoring! :)
when you wish to monitor your hosts from, add section like this:
[ My Host Section ]
members=my_host_1, my_host_2, my_host_3
If you wish to monitor services, add section like this:
[ My Service Section ]
members=my_host_1:FTP, my_host_2:HTTP
You must use combination of host_name and service_description to point exactly which service that is.
If you wish to monitor host AND service, add section like this:
[ My Host And Service Section ]
members=_my_host_1, my_host_2:FTP
If you wish to create subsections (subgroups) inside section, do this:
[ My Section ]
members=my_host_1, my_host_2:FTP
[[ My SubSection ]]
members=my_host_3, my_host_4, my_host_5
Now DashBoard will look like : my_host_1, FTP, My SubSection
My SubSection will represent hosts/services inside and it will be warning status if at least one of them failes and green if everything is OK.