
VMWare ESX guest status checks


Check some aspects of VMWare ESX guests (cpu, memorry, netio, kernel and status)

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 12, 2009

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Project Notes
These plugins were developed by Altinity as part of Opsview software (http://www.opsview.org). Plugin development was sponsored by GotVMail (http://www.gotvmail.com). These checks are written in perl and use snmp (via perl Net::SNMP module) to query the VMWare ESX server for different aspects of the guest OS's.
Reviews (2) Add a Review
by nicola.sarobba, May 31, 2010

This script is buggy. I have 9 virtual machines on my hosts and the 9th as the SNMP index 416 in the table. The code to get the id of a machine makes the assumption that there are a 1:1 relation between the number of machines and the SNMP index. This is the same bug present in check_snmp_cisco_ifstatus. As stated above try this script instead: https://secure.opsera.com/svn/opsview/trunk/opsview-core/nagios-plugins/check_snmp_vmware_cpu Beware that with ESX 4.0 you have to explicitly activate the OID and if you have already Net-SNMP running your task is to make the two SNMP agents coexist.

Good, but check for more recent versions
by corshamjim, May 31, 2010

I found these plugins very easy to use thank you. Some reliability problems with a couple of them though. I have found more recent versions are available at https://secure.opsera.com/svn/opsview/trunk/opsview-core/nagios-plugins/ which so far seem to be better.

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3.5 (2)