
SVN Remote Commit Statistics


A small and simple shell script for checking number of svn commits to a remote repository by parsing the commit log.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI




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Project Notes
A small and simple shell script for checking number of svn commits to a remote repository by parsing the commit log. Supports checking by the committer name or checking commits to the entire repository. You can check for commits by day, month, or total. Requires svn installed on the nagios server. You may have to run the script once from the cli as user "nagios" in order to accept the cert if you are checking a secure repository. Output of help (-h): ----------------------------------------------------------- [root@nagiosxi libexec]# ./ -h Simple svn statistics Usage: -s [server/repo] -u [username] -p [password] -m [mode] (-c) [committer] Options: -s SVN Server Repository to connect to: eg. -u SVN username for connection -p Password for SVN username -c The committing username from which to gather statistics (Only used for user-* modes) -h Help menu (this) Modes: user-commits-total Total number of commits for committer user-commits-monthly Total number of commits this month for committer user-commits-daily Total number of commits today for committer total-commits Total number of commits to the repository (do not use -c with this mode) total-commits-monthly Total number of monthly commits to the repository (do not use -c with this mode) total-commits-daily Total number of daily commits to the repository (do not use -c with this mode) Notes: SVN MUST BE INSTALLED AS THIS PLUGIN USES THE COMMAND: 'svn log' If the repository uses ssl/certs, you may need to connect to the repo from the cli as your monitoring user (nagios) in order to accept the cert permanently. Otherwise the check will die and report '0 commits'. Also, if your password contains nasty meta chars, you will need to make use of the resources.cfg (nagios) file, this is considered best practice anyways.
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