Monitoring Agents

SSH Framework for Remote Plugins


This is a framework to securely execute checks on remote machines over SSH. It can be used as a replacement for NRPE.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 8, 2009

Compatible With

Project Notes
**Advantages of the ssh framework:** * no need to install daemons on remote servers (only sshd needed) * no additional open ports * can be used to check all plattforms with support of ssh (Linux and AIX tested) * very secure! * nagios server cannot log in on the remote host * nagios server can only execute the checks * makes administration of nagios easier: * check parameter can be configured on remote side e.g. warning thresholds, partitions to check, etc... * server administrator can make changes to the checks without the need to be nagios administrator * one command for all service checks over ssh (e.g. check_by_ssh!disk, check_by_ssh!procs, ...) * simple installation **Requirements:** * sshd on remote server * ssh on nagios server * check_by_ssh from "offical" nagios-plugins package on the nagios server **New 09.01.2006: Installation script for easy distribution (only Linux (tested with suse 9.x))** Please visit website for more information!
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