A script that you can use to send an alert to Nagios if a ticket is new or open in a particular RT queue(s).
Current Version
Last Release Date
May 27, 2009
Compatible With
Nagios Exchange
The RT script
This script will only run if a ticket is created, a ticket's status is changed, or a ticket is moved to another queue. If one of these conditions is met, then it will looked at each queue defined in the scrip to see if there are any open or new Tickets in those queues. If there are no tickets in that queue, it will send an OK to the corresponding nagios service. If there are new or open tickets in that queue, it will send a CRITICAL to the corresponding nagios alert.
You must have Nagios already configured for this passive check, have send_nsca installed on the RT server, and the NSCA daemon running on the Nagios server.
Condition: User Defined Custom Condition: if ($self->TransactionObj->Type eq 'Create' || $self->TransactionObj->Type eq 'Status' || ($self->TransactionObj->Type eq 'Set' && $self->TransactionObj->Field eq "Queue")) { return(1); } else { return(undef); } Action: User Defined Custom action preparation code: 1; Custom action cleanup code: { my %hosts = qw( Queue-Name1 Queue-Name2 ); my $nscaBin = '/usr/local/nagios/libexec/send_nsca'; my $nscaCfg = '/usr/local/nagios/etc/send_nsca.cfg'; my $nscaHst = ''; foreach my $QueueName (keys %hosts) { my $hostname = $hosts{$QueueName}; my $TicketsObj = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser); $TicketsObj->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'open'); $TicketsObj->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'new'); $TicketsObj->LimitQueue(VALUE => $QueueName); my $count = $TicketsObj->Count(); if ($count eq '0') { system("printf "$hostnamet$QueueNamet0t$QueueName: No Alertsn" | $nscaBin -H $nscaHst -c $nscaCfg"); } else { system("printf "$hostnamet$QueueNamet2t$QueueName: Open Alert(s)n" | $nscaBin -H $nscaHst -c $nscaCfg"); } } 1; }
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