
Performance Data Tool


The purpose of the Performance Data Tool is to give you the ability to view and manipulate the .rrd and .xml performance data files on your Nagios XI host. This can be helpful for: * Viewing graphs for services that have been disabled ** Because they are disabled you can no longer access the graphs to refer to the historical performance data. *Viewing RRD files in a table format **Can be easier to browse data compared to looking at graphs *Merging RRD files **If you rename a host/service the performance data can be merged into the new RRD files **After a Nagios host rebuild, the old performance data can restored and then merged into the new RRD files on the rebuild Nagios host *Deleting performance data **Cleaning up old RRD and XML files that were left behind when a host/service was decommissioned Refer to the Help tab for more information on what this component can do. NOTE: This component will ONLY work with Nagios XI. Upload this component via Admin > Manage Components. Access the component via Tools > Tools by Box293 > Performance Data Tool.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios XI



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Project Notes
Release Notes: 2013-10-11 * Initial release * Current features not yet implemented: ** Viewing graphs ** Merging an entire folder / subfolder of RRD files 2013-11-10 * Added functionality to merge an entire folder / subfolder of RRD files * Fixed a couple of bugs * Some minor improvements 2014-07-08 * Improved jQuery and Ajax code to fix some bugs * Displaying more RRD raw data when viewing RRD files ... 1 Day, 3 Days, 1 Week, 2 Weeks, 1 Month, 2 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year, 2 Years, 4 Years * Current features not yet implemented: ** Viewing graphs 2016-05-05 * Updated code to use jQuery library provided with Nagios XI to fix issue with newer versions of XI * Improved CSS for Nagios XI 5.x to provide body padding * Improved table output using jQuery Zebra widget * Command used to fetch rrd data is now displayed * Browse and Delete tabs can now display all files under the top level folder (recursive)
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