
NRPE init script


Just a script to facilitate restarts of nrpe and automatically start the nrpe daemon at different run levels.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 18, 2009

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Project Notes
+++ NRPE init script Is this provided with NRPE somewhere? I don't know. It seems weird that it isn't. Anyways, I modified my apache init script to start NRPE. Maybe it is useful to you as well ++++ Installation This is a very standard procedure. Add 'nrpe' to '/etc/init.d/' or wherever your init scripts go. Then add nrpe to the run levels you want it to start by creating symlinks or for Red Hat type distributions /sbin/chkconfig --add nrpe /sbin/chkconfig --list nrpe It will automatically start in run levels 3 and 5 by default.
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Adjust Script to enable SSL
by blackrino9, April 30, 2017

remove -n from line 30 if you want to use SSL OPTIONS='-c /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg -d'

useful but needed modification
by hikerguy86, November 30, 2016

thanks for this. I needed to modify it to be correct for install from repo, you assumed source install in the script. Noticed on RHEL 5.11, rpm from EPEL also didn't have init script :( Also a couple variable were mixed up. fixed it up and it works.

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3.5 (2)