
NetApp SANtricity Plug-in for Nagios


These are plugins to monitor NetApp’s SANtricity e-Series storage. To use this plugins, you require SANtricity webproxy. We have developed wizard which considerably reduces configuration efforts.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI




Project Files
Project Notes
There are total of 14 plugins. These plugins requires SANtricity webproxy. It performs following tasks: -->Connect to NetApp SANtricity web proxy through REST end points -->Prepare csv files to track pairs for arrays and controllers -->Read csv files to fetch array information -->Call REST end point to fetch required statistics for each array -->Calculate service status based on threshold values -->Prepare performance data ro display in graph -->Return status along with performance data Following is the list for plugin names along with command for each plugin: 1) Host Configuration Configure Arrays as a host in Nagios. Command:$USER1$/ -webproxy $ARG1$ -ip1 $ARG2$ -ip2 $ARG3$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ 2) Track and Report Performance information for Volume by Controller $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -mode $ARG2$ -low $ARG3$ -high $ARG4$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -r $ARG5$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ 3) Track and Report Performance information for Volume by Volume Group $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -mode $ARG2$ -low $ARG3$ -high $ARG4$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ 4) Track and Report Performance information by Volume $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -mode $ARG2$ -low $ARG3$ -high $ARG4$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ 5) Track and Report Performance information for Drive $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -mode $ARG2$ -low $ARG3$ -high $ARG4$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ Possible values for Mode for above five services are: 1)RIOP --Read IOPS 2) WIOP --Write IOPS 3)RTHP - Read Throughput 3) WTHP --Write Throughput 5)RLAT - Read Latency 6) WLAT - Write Latency Possible values for Range (r) are : low /high 6) Monitor and Report Physical Component Status -->This plugins helps in monitoring various physical component of the SANtricity storage. Command: $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -mode $ARG2$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ The mode can have one of the following value: 1) ARRY : To monitor array 2) RBCON : RBOD Controllers 3) EBIOM : To monitor EBOD IOMS 3)TRAY : To monitor Trays 5) FAN: To monitor Fans 6) BATT : To monitor batteries 7) PSU : Power Supply 8)DDS : Disk Drives 7) Monitor and Report Physical Component Temperature Command: $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -warning $ARG2$ -critical $ARG3$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ 8) Track and Report Storage Capacity Information Command: $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -warning $ARG2$ -critical $ARG3$ 9) System Availability Command: $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ 10) Monitor and Report Cache Hit Statistics By Volume Command: $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -mode $ARG2$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ 11) Monitor and Report Cache Hit Statistics By Volume Group Command: $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -mode $ARG2$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ The mode can have one of the two values for Cache Hit statistics by Volume and Volume Group --> SSD -To monitor SSD Cache --> PRC - To monitor Primary Cache 12) Thin Provisioned Volumes Command:$USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -warning $ARG2$ -critical $ARG3$ 13) Mel Events: Command: $USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -webproxy $ARG1$ 14) Monitor and track Logical Components: Command:$USER1$/ -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -webproxy $ARG1$ -mode $ARG2$ -username $ARG4$ -password $ARG5$ The mode Value can have one of the following values: 1)DPOOL -Data Pools 2) CON: Consistency Groups 3) VOL : Volumes 4) SNP : Legacy Snapshots and PIT snap shot volumes 5) MIRV : Mirror Volumes and Asynch Mirror Volumes 6) RPR : PIT repository All the plugins have following common parameters: webproxy: It's IP Address:Port Number where webproxy is running username: Username for the webproxy password: Password for the webproxy
Reviews (2) Add a Review
GitHub Changes
by dupondje, July 31, 2017

I created a repository on github with some changes included :) Feel free to add some pull requests!

Small suggestion
by yann.fertat, January 31, 2017

Good plugin! I did a small change to handle the batteries maintenance at lines 246: elif ele["status"] == "maintenance": stroutput += " OK - battery in maintenance " optimal = 1 total += 1 else: Btw, you should put your script on github/gitlab, it could really ease contributions.

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