ndo2db grapher aim is to provide a quick way to retrieve informations in realtime against nagios values without external tools like RRD. To achieve this, I’m using ndoutils tool set which let you store performance data in a database.
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
Nagios Exchange
ndo2db grapher v0.3.1
ndographer v0.3.2
Last version : v0.3.2 (2009/02/16) Changelog: * bugfix * we are now able to select sub indicator when graphing (aka avg, min, max, crit and warn). So things are now simplier. * disabling anti aliasing by default as Debian doesn't support it. v0.3.1 (2009/01/28) Changelog : * bugfix in the javascript : now I'm using a class to handle pregenerated image. * including directly the css directory so no more needed to download it. This release only include bugfix if you are using pre-generated image (from v0.3). v0.3 (2009/01/15) Changelog : * bugfix * optimization by handling spited table for nagios_servicechecks (you need to split this table in multiple table named nagios_servicechecks_YYYYmmdd). This can achieve a huge difference if you have a big database. To give you an order, I got 14 Gb of data splitted into 150 tables to get 150 days of history. To do the job, you can try BUT BEWARE, USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK !!! DO A BACKUP BEFORE LAUNCHING THIS SCRIPT AND MAKE TEST BEFORE USING IT ON A REAL PLATFORM !!! * fix a bug (cannot store more than 255 bytes of performance data) by switching from VARCHAR255 to BLOB to store result ( is handling this). * handling of static generated graphic with This script generate png of previous day and store it in a cache directory. You'll need to change you crontab in order to launch this script. Here's an example of what you can do : # rotage nagios_servicechecks table. USE IT WITH CARE !!! YOU CAN LOSE YOUR DATA !!! 20 */2 * * * /path/to/nagios/scripts/> /path/to/nagios/log/rotate_servicechecks.log 2>&1 # generate static graphics 30 4 * * * /path/to/nagios/scripts/> /path/to/nagios/log/generate.log 2>&1 v0.2.1 Changelog : * generate only a graphic (using the option dump_graphic=1) to embed directly graphics in nagios web pages. * generate cumulate area for CPU graphic * force min and max value * bugfix v0.2 Changelog : * cumulate indicators from various host * bugfix. v0.1 * multiple selection of various indicators * multiple host selection * average value Actually, I'm only supporting MySQL backend but if someone need to support PostgreSQL, just send me an email :) (yannig_DOT_perre_AT_gmail_DOT_com) Installation ndoutils First, you'll need a working ndo2db/ndoutils backend working with nagios. To install it, go fetch ndoutils here : Compile it and install it against your version of nagios. Edit nagios config file by adding the following line : ... # ndoutils broker broker_module=/path/to/your/ndomodule/ndomod.o config_file=/path/to/your/ndomod/config/file/ndomod.cfg ... Then edit your ndomod.cfg. Here's an example : root@XXX # more ndomod.cfg instance_name=default #output_type=file #output_type=tcpsocket output_type=unixsocket output=/path/to/your/nagios/var/ndo.sock tcp_port=5668 output_buffer_items=50000 buffer_file=/path/to/your/nagios/var/ndomod.tmp file_rotation_interval=14400 file_rotation_timeout=60 reconnect_interval=15 reconnect_warning_interval=15 data_processing_options=-1 config_output_options=0 Then edit you ndo2db.cfg. Here's an example : Tune DB information root@XXX # more ndo2db.cfg | egrep -v -e "^#" | egrep -v -e "^$" ndo2db_user=patrol ndo2db_group=produit socket_type=unix socket_name=/path/to/your/nagios/var/ndo.sock tcp_port=5668 db_servertype=mysql db_host=localhost db_port=3306 db_name=nagios db_prefix=nagios_ db_user=mysql_nagios_user db_pass=mysql_nagios_passwd max_timedevents_age=1440 # aka = 7 days max_systemcommands_age=10080 # aka = 10 days max_servicechecks_age=14400 # aka = 7 days max_hostchecks_age=10080 max_eventhandlers_age=44640 debug_level=1 debug_verbosity=0 debug_file=/path/to/your/nagios/var/ndo.debug max_debug_file_size=1000000 Warning ! You'll need to create an initial database containt by using mysql.sql script in db sub directory in the ndoutils package (v1.4b7). Launch your ndo2db daemon : /path/to/your/nagios/bin/ndo2db-3x -c /path/to/your/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg Restart nagios daemon. If you see something like this in the nagios log, then you've got a working version of ndo2db ! 12xxxxxxxx ndomod: Successfully reconnected to data sink! 0 items lost, 236 queued items to flush. 12xxxxxxxx ndomod: Successfully flushed 236 queued items to data sink. Install ndo2db grapher Then you can try to use the ndo2db grapher. Untar ndo_graph.tar.gz then configure the mysql connection by editing $cache_directory = "/var/www/cache"; $db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = "root"; $db_pass = ""; $db_name = "nagios"; Warning : You will need the presence of jpgraph at the same level as the php pages (download it at this location : Then edit the default generic-service to add the following elements: define service { name generic-service ... notes Graph notes_url /display_nagios_info.php?name1=$HOSTNAME$&name2=$SERVICEDESC$ ... } Even better, (version major or equal to v0.2.1) you can embed directly a graphic in nagios pages (see screenshot) : define service { name generic-service ... notes notes_url /display_nagios_info.php?name1=$HOSTNAME$&name2=$SERVICEDESC$ ... };d=1 You will see a nice icon in nagios which let you display nice graphics from the ndo2db backend. Note for omegax and brn : Thanks for your report, I'll take a look at your advices.
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