
Nagios Service Active Check


A small bash script that monitor the percentage of active checks in the last 1/5/15/60 minutes.

Current Version

Last Release Date

July 21, 2009

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Project Notes
This Plugins check the Services Actively Checked in percentual. only prereq is to set the correct path of nagiostats bin.
Reviews (1) Add a Review
Some Change in the logic.
by kosarajudeepak, July 31, 2009

Please change the logic between WARNING and CRITICAL. Since we see the checks average in % WARNING should be greater than CRITICAL. I mean Active Services Last 1/5/15/60 min: gives number of checks performed in last 1/5/15/60 min so when we take the average % of checks completed with in last 60min we always expect it to be 80% above, by any chance if it is 60% give WARNING (or) if it is 50% give CRITICAL Alert. So CRITICAL should always be less than WARNING Change line#22 Present: if [ $2 -gt $3 ]; then echo "Critical threshold must be greather or equal than Warning" exit 1 fi Change: if [ $2 -lt $3 ]; then echo "Critical threshold must be less than Warning" exit 1 fi Change Line#67 Present: if [ $PERCENTUAL -lt $3 ]; then if [ $PERCENTUAL -lt $2 ]; then echo "Critical - $PERCENTUAL% of services checked" exit 2 Change: if [ $PERCENTUAL -lt $2 ]; then if [ $PERCENTUAL -lt $3 ]; then echo "Critical only- $PERCENTUAL% of services checked" exit 2

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