Passive Checks

Nagios Passive Agent (NPA)


Nagios passive agent is a cross platform monitoring agent for the popular Nagios monitoring tool. It aims to fill in some of the gaps not filled by other methods of running checks on monitored servers, most notably where the checks are running on a remote server which is only able to communicate back to the Nagios server over firewalls/proxies and HTTP/S.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
  • Nagios Fusion



Project Notes
NPA already has some useful features, more are on the roadmap. Here are the currently working features: - Simple scheduling (run a check every so many seconds) - Support for existing Nagios checks and performance information - Submission of passive checks results using the Nagios CGI interface - HTTP Proxy Support - Cross-platform - tested on Linux, Windows and Solaris. Written in Java/Groovy so most platforms can be supported. - Simple queuing to allow resubmition in the event of temporary network outages. - Several built in OS checks (CPU, Disk space, Disk usage) - Built in HTTP response checks - Custom SQL checks to JDBC databases (Oracle and SQL Server example checks included) - Config generator to add new checks more quickly - Configurable averages to trigger based on mean values over time (e.g. CPU > 90% for 300 seconds) - JMX Checks for any values (Oracle Application Server/Weblogic/Tomcat (Weblogic and Tomcat will be in v1.3.1) - Automatic update mechanism to make rolling out new versions more straightforward The following features are presently being developed and tested: - Extensible API to add in custom check plugins - Further submission options other than the Nagios CGI interface. - More complex performance gathering features as required - Simple groovy script plugin mechanism to make writing checks using the NPA API quite simple NPA aims to be a cross platform, all-you-need passive agent, where you can use any checks you already have, without having to worry about having direct socket access to your Nagios server. So long as your Nagios server is internet accessible via HTTP - NPA can reach it!
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