Seedcamp 2010

Nagios Core 32bit Windows Installer


It’s time to bring the power of Nagios to Windows. With this Native Windows Installer anyone can setup a usable and effective Nagios installation on 32bit Windows.

NOTE: This installer is BETA and has been known to cause Windows to reboot on some machines. The cause of this appears to be a CoLinux issue related to hyperthreading or multi-CPU/multi-core machines. Test on non-production machines with caution!

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x


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Project Notes
Bringing the power of Linux to a landscape such as Windows is a complex, but often requested, task. There are several solutions and not many of them are well suited to the task of monitoring. VMware player and Qemu are sometimes slow, while Cygwin is perhaps too limited to run all of Nagios. To solve the problem, we thought we'd bring the power of Nagios to Windows. With this Native Windows Installer anyone can setup a usable and effective Nagios install under Windows. This installer makes use of system level drivers ( and installs as a service. Icons by: Mouse Runner
Reviews (4) Add a Review
by blackscribit, April 30, 2012

Love it! 1 question. getting 404 errors when trying to install openssh-server using apt-get install ssh openssh-server. Also getting a lot of 404 errors running apt-get update. Anyone have a solution for this?

Very Good, works instantly
by louisinlondon, February 29, 2012

Works like a charm... It would however be nice to get access to the Windows filesystem to be able to add plugins easier? as explained at So, if there is an easy way to get files onto NagiosCore filesystem, please let me know.

It's works!!!
by Akonom, October 31, 2010

Quick and easy install. coLinux and Nagios works excellent.

Does not work
by Frederic Conrotte, September 30, 2010

After download I have the error: NSIS Error installer integrity check has failed.

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Project Stats
4.2 (5)