Configuration Wizards

Nagios and Braintower SMS Gateway


Can I connect my Braintower SMS Gateway to Nagios?

Of course you can use your Braintower SMS Gateway to send alarms from Nagios via SMS.

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Last Release Date

June 2, 2016

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Can I connect my Braintower SMS Gateway to Nagios? Of course you can use your Braintower SMS Gateway to send alarms from Nagios via SMS. You will need first the script sendsms. Download the file and place it on your Nagios server in the folder /usr/local/bin . The script needs the following Perl modules to work: LWP::UserAgent URI::Escape Text::Icon In the next step, the commands for SMS alerts in configuring Nagios need to be defined. In addition, the defined contacts must be provided with the following commands. Examples: Definition of SMS alerts in/etc/nagios3/commands.cfg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define command { command_name notify-host-by-sms command_line /usr/local/bin/ $CONTACTPAGER$ "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ - Host $HOSTALIAS$ is $HOSTSTATE$ since $SHORTDATETIME$ info: $HOSTOUTPUT$" } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define command { command_name notify-service-by-sms command_line /usr/local/bin/ $CONTACTPAGER$ "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ - $SERVICEDESC$ on $HOSTNAME$ state: $SERVICESTATE$ since $SHORTDATETIME$ info: $SERVICEOUTPUT$" } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: Definition of a contact in /etc/nagios3/contacts.cfg define contact { contact_name Max_Muster alias Max Muster host_notification_period 24x7 service_notification_period 24x7 host_notification_options d,u,r service_notification_options u,c,r pager 00491701234567 host_notification_commands notify-host-by-sms service_notification_commands notify-service-by-sms } HTTPS The script sendsms transmits the Nagios alarm to the SMS gateway. By default, this communication is not encrypted. In line 43, you can change this behavior by switching the request to HTTPS: my $response = $lwp->get('https://'.$smsgw_host.':'.$smsgw_sendsms_port.$smsgw_sendsms_path.'?username='.$smsgw_username.'&password='.$smsgw_password.'&to='.$recipient.'&text='.$message); ----------------------------------------------------------- Provided the SSL certificate used in the Braintower SMS Gateway is a self-signed certificate, there could be a error message in nagios.log. Can't connect to ... (certificate verify failed). In this case, insert the following code at line 35: $ENV{'PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME'} = 0; -----------------------------------------------------------
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