Web Interfaces



A modern interface built around the Jquery Mobile framework for (just about) ANY smartphone / tablet OR HTML5 supporting desktop browser. Browse, acknowledge, comment, view graphs, see problems wherever you are.

Android apps (paid / free) available from the market!
iPhone app available from the App Store.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x




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Project Notes
using livestatus and the jquery mobile framework, jNag is an amazingly 'applike' mobile browser interface for nagios. There's also a free App available from the android market, or a more advanced app for £2.00 which offers a homescreen widget, status bar notifications and full SSL support (including self signed certs) On the desktop, jNag offers an AJAX updated list of problems so you're instantly aware of any new issues, and a simple, attractive alternative to the Nagios Web front end that makes jNag perfect for a NOC wall or instant notification system. With jNag you can: Browse your 'tree' of devices See a list of Alerts on the main screen View service output View PNP graphs on your mobile device! Acknowledge alerts Comment on hosts / services 'pin' services to the jNag homescreen for instant access. changelog: 0.2: Acknowledge host / service problems! 0.3: Alerts update via ajax, no page refreshing required! 0.4: Livestatus support added 0.5: statusjson support dropped, core functionality completely rewritten. 0.5.1: PNP status graph support added, service details added 0.6: full pnp support, images in menus, general 'niceifying' 0.7: HTTPS support 0.75: pin services to homescreen for instant access 0.77: bugfix release 0.78: schedule checks, lots of bugfixes 0.79: Theme support, more bugfixes 0.80: minor fixes, Android homescreen widget in paid app 0.81: bugfix release 0.82: SSL support in paid android app, jQuery mobile updated. 0.85: Fully working SSL support in paid app, numerous bugfixes. 0.86: iPhone / iPad app available 0.87: Free android app now features widget, notifications and SSL support From 0.5 onwards jNag is a 'pure' HTML / javascript client that communicates with a small plugin sat on your nagios server via JSON encoded requests. It's pretty spiffy. Online demo (0.4.1) available here: http://tall-paul.co.uk/stuff/jNag/ if anyone has a non-critical nagios install I can borrow for use as a demo server, hit me up via email! jNag is an open source project. All source code (including the android app) is available on GitHub: https://github.com/Tall-Paul/jNag If you have any ideas for future features, or support queries visit the forum at: http://tall-paul.co.uk/forum
Reviews (2) Add a Review
by devcon, May 31, 2012

really nice client. But development was stopped, so far it still works :-)

by elvinchia, February 28, 2011

Can jNag implement in Android emulator to act as nagios mobility?

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