Server Hardware

IPMI Sensor Monitoring Plugin


This plugin checks all IPMI sensors of a server remotely or locally. It works with any IPMI-compatible server, so you can use it also in heterogeneous environments with different server vendors.

Current Version


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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x



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Project Notes
Version 3.x (Perl-based) and 2.x (Bash-skript) of the plugin are based on ipmimonitoring (FreeIPMI). They monitors both IPMI sensor classes (threshold and discrete). The older version 1.x (not maintained anymore) is based on ipmitool and can only monitor threshold based sensors. There are three mailinglists regarding the plugin: * (Announcements of new releases and critical security updates (list is moderated).) * (Development discussions about the plugin.) * (General discussions regarding all issues and questions about the plugin.)
Reviews (7) Add a Review
HP iLO Status Critical
by kubik256, March 31, 2017

Plugin is excellent! Many thanks. Little hint for somebody who get status critical on HP iLO IPMI, it will be something like: Critical [64 system event log (SEL) entries present] SEL log can be cleared directly from Nagios host this way: 1) install ipmiutil (this way for ubuntu/debian) apt-get install ipmiutil 2) run clear for HP iLO specified by iLO's IP address: ipmiutil sel -d -V 4 -N -U -P -F HP Hope this can save some time "googling" around ;)

by belgotux, April 30, 2014

Good plugin, and work great with Centreon in my case. In my case, I use IPMIv2 and need to add the option "-D lan_2_0" to impi-sensors. Test command is /usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors -h -u monitoring -p password -l USER -D lan_2_0 And for the plugin : #./check_ipmi_sensor -H -U monitoring -P password -L USER -O '-D lan_2_0' Works with this centreon command : $USER1$/custom/check_ipmi_sensor -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -U $ARG1$ -P $ARG2$ -L USER -O '-D lan_2_0' But the output of this perl script is not good for graph the differents sensors in Centreon. Maybe I work on this later and post it here. Regards, Belgotux

Great plugin
by pws, August 31, 2012

We're using this plugin to monitor SuperMicro and Dell C6100 hardware on CentOS 5 and Scientific Linux 6. Works great, very easy to set up.

works well, but i have a question
by mtrento, August 31, 2012

hello thank you for creating this plugin. i tested the plugin on a ibm x3550 M4 and i get a critical alert stating : IPMI Status : Critical [DASD Backplane 2 = Critical] ibm says : Drive drive has reported a fault. This event must be cleared manually. i cleared all events in the megaraidcli but still have the message. ipmimonitoring command says Dasd backplane 2 entity presence critical , entity Absent i do not see other events in the ibm managment interface. And there is no alert led do you have some clues? Regards

Ask for help to get it working
by ahmedali, July 31, 2011

hello, I setup the plugin and it's needed software as following and it give me some error messages I install freeipmi v 1.0.5 on the remote server then download the plugin v 2.2, move it to /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ #chown nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ipmi_sensor then test the tool #ipmi-sensors -h localhost -u monitoring -p relation -l user and it work then test the plugin from the server it self and it work # /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ipmi_sensor -H localhost -U monitoring -P relation -L user then I install the freeipmi in a local machine to test the remote machine ipmi-sensors -h remote-host-ip -u monitoring -p relation -l user it give me ipmi-sensors: connection timeout then when I try to test it from nagios using # /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H remote-ip -c check_ipmi_sensor -a '-H localhost -U monitoring -P relation -L user' it give me this error /usr/local/sbin/ipmi-sensors: permission denied -> Execution of ipmimonitoring failed with return code 1. -> ipmimonitoring was executed with the following parameters: /usr/local/sbin/ipmimonitoring -h -u monitoring -p relation -l user --quiet-cache --sdr-cache-recreate or this sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo -> Execution of ipmimonitoring failed with return code 1. -> ipmimonitoring was executed with the following parameters: sudo /usr/local/sbin/ipmimonitoring --quiet-cache --sdr-cache-recreate thanks and best regards

check_ipmi_sensor updated, Mailinglist available
by wernerfischer, June 30, 2010

Hi mj0ne, thanks for your valuable feedback. The current version 1.2.1 of the plugin supports password files and also ignores 'ns' states. I added these features in version 1.2: The current version is 1.2.1: Feedback regarding the plugin is always welcome! I created two mailinglists: * * Subscribe to ipmi-plugin-announce if you use the plugin and want to get notified whenever there is an updated version. Subscribe to ipmi-plugin-user if you want send questions and follow current discussions. Best regards, Werner (author of the plugin)

Good work
by mj0ne, February 28, 2010

Good work in this one, ability to use verbose output(-v1/2/3) to get more data and to use graphs. Author have a nice site for that to. Missing -f option for password file, but it's coming in later version. Im missing nagios status control for the diffrent IPMI outputs. ns(Disable) and ns(No Reading), is still okey on most IPMI clients. Need fixing. They return warning output(nagios status 1). Site is in germany. Luckly I use google for translation.

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