
F5 BIG-IP Nagios plugins


Nagios plugins for checking F5 balancers system BIG-IP MIB objects from: Chassis, Failover, Pools, PoolMembers, Virtual Servers and Virtual Addresses.

Current Version

Last Release Date

December 21, 2011

Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x



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Reviews (3) Add a Review
Don't know how to install
by TIO, October 31, 2014

[root@localhost F5-Nagios-Plugins]# ls Check-F5-Failover.pl Check-F5-PoolMbrs.pl Check-F5-VirtualAddresses.pl F5-BIGIP-COMMON-MIB F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB Check-F5-Platform.pl Check-F5-Pools.pl Check-F5-VirtualServers.pl F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB [root@localhost F5-Nagios-Plugins]# ./Check-F5-Pools.pl ERROR: Community not defined. Can you please help and advise the next steps?

Possible bug using the degree character
by bostonsean, September 30, 2013

We have 2 different Nagios installs, one is 3.4.4 and one is 3.5.0. On 3.4.4 Check_F5_Platform.pl shows the entire return in the nagios UI, ex: CPU-1 39?C, CPU-2 38?C, FAN-1 ok, FAN-2 ok, FAN-3 ok, POWER-SUPPLY-1 ok, POWER-SUPPLY-2 ok, Chassis-Temperature-1 28?C, Chassis-Temperature-2 32?C, Chassis-Temperature-3 33?C, Chassis-Temperature-4 30?C On 3.5.0 it's cut off after "CPU-1 39". I removed those special chars from the script and Nagios now displays the output properly.

The code seems to work but no CRITICAL: etc on the output
by billrydernz, February 29, 2012

Although it's not essential it make it easier when testing to see what the plugin thinks is critical or OK when it prefixes the line with the words. There seems to be no way to check for a specific pool member - just all of them, same for virtual servers. There's no thresholds for critical or warning. However the code does what it sets out to do it seems.

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