Microsoft Exchange

Exchange 2010


Monitor Exchange 2010 DAG replication, public folder availability and overall replication health.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x

Project Files
Project Notes
Here are some scripts to monitor some of the health of Exchange 2010 using PowerShell. With the loss of WMI in Exchange 2007, there seems to not be any solid ways to monitor the health of Exchange. These scripts will check for the availability of public folder databases as well as mailbox databases. It will report back to Nagios the mounted states and alert when they are not mounted. They will also check for the health of replication and alert when the replicas are not in a good state. Many thanks to everyone, Alain TOMASIAN provided some code to allow command line parameters. You can find his code as MBHealth.ps1. I hope that these scripts help out other sys admins, and offer a good starting point for the monitoring of Exchange 2010.
Reviews (8) Add a Review
Nice but needs a fix
by elliot.wilen, April 30, 2014

See comment by Greate. To fix the problem, either change line 42 so that TypeResult becomes Type.Result, or use instead.

Help needed
by m_sundaramoorthi, August 31, 2013

Could some one help me to write service definition to use this plugins. I am trying to monitor the diskgroup mount state.

Great! But...
by comandtakeit, January 31, 2013

Great plugin, thanks for sharing. Protip: To get the services status to work correctly you have to add "; exit($lastexitcode)" to the end of your cmd part of the handler in nsclient.ini. EX: check_mailbox_health = cmd /c echo C:ScriptsNagiosMailboxHealth.ps1; exit($lastexitcode) | PowerShell.exe -Command - Otherwise the status code returned by the script dies with that Powershell session. Thanks!

by escalate, May 31, 2012

Found some not known states for the exchange mailbox synchronization which are not mentioned in the script MBHealth.ps1. 1. FailedAndSuspended 2. DisconnectedAndHealthy But the rest of the checks are very good! Like it!

Works great with GWOS CE ...
by baher09, November 30, 2011

This is one of great Plugins I have ever used, Thank You to Jeff Roberson. Also first time to use a PowerShell-based script with NRPE. I had to do some changes on NRPE to work. I'm using Groundwork Monitor CE (GWOS CE) that uses Nagios as it's Engine. On NSClient++ I noticed it has [NRPE Client Handlers] and had to modify it to [NRPE Handlers]. Feedbacks from from qk4I and dmagniez were very useful .. Thank You! Also I had to run the following Windows PowerShell command on the Exchange Server: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned This made it possible for the PS scripts to work on NRPE from Exchange server to Nagios (GWOS CE). On GWOS, I created a command: $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$ And two services .. one for Replication and one for MailboxDB $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_replication_health $USER1$/check_nrpe -t 60 -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_mailboxdb_health Thanks again ...

by Goldie, April 30, 2011

Dear Jeff, thanks for your work, these are some great scripts. And also thank you for being helpfull via mail. grtz! Sven

some adds
by dmagniez, March 31, 2011

I had to change some parameters in my commands : [NRPE Handlers] command[cmd]=$ARG1$ check_mailbox_health=cmd /c echo scriptsexchangeMailboxHealth.ps1 | PowerShell.exe -Command - check_public_folders=cmd /c echo scriptsexchangePublicFoldersMounted.ps1 | PowerShell.exe -Command - [NRPE] command_timeout=180 because this script execute in more than 60 sec ! in centreon : $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u -c $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$ -t 180 with arg : !check_mailbox_health!

by qk4l, January 31, 2011

Thank you for good work =) We found 1 mistake in ReplicationHealth.ps1 In 42 string var "$Type.Result" missing dot. Also If somebody will be use script with not English version OS don`t forget about codepage and translate!

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4.8 (11)