EMC Documentum

EMC Documentum monitor


A collection of nagios check plugins for EMC Documentum

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 22, 2009

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Project Notes
check_docbase_sessions.pl v0.1 - Nagios Plugin to monitor the number of active sessions Db::Documentum is used in this perl script usage: check_docbase_sessions.pl -D -U -P -w -c options: -U USER name -P password -D docbase -w NUMBER number of sessions when to warn -c NUMBER number of sessions when critical check_docbase_objects.pl v0.1 - Nagios Plugin to monitor the number of objects Db::Documentum is used in this perl script usage: check_docbase_objects.pl -D -U> -P -T options: -U USER name -P password -D docbase -T object type check_docbase_ftqueue.pl v0.1 - Nagios Plugin to monitor the number of failed documents in the index queue Db::Documentum is used in this perl script usage: check_docbase_ftqueue.pl -D -U -P -c -w options: -U USER name -P password -D docbase check_docbase_projection.sh v 0.1 - Nagios Plugin to monitor the docbase projection on the docbroker dmqdocbroker is used in this shell script Usage: check_docbase_projection.sh -t -p -d Usage: check_docbase_projection.sh --help Usage: check_docbase_projection.sh --version Please don't hesitate to send me any questions/comments/concerns (my email can be found in the scripts)
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