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Device Auto-Discovery and Printer Monitoring Configuration for Nagios


This tutorial describes a way of “auto-discovering” devices for Nagios through the example of adding 460+ printers.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 24, 2009

Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x


Project Notes
Entering host system data into Nagios can be cumbersome if there are hundreds of devices. An auto-discovery feature would be nice, something that could find systems on the network and automatically generates host configuration items for Nagios. When I took the task to add about 500 printers to Nagios, doing so by hand was out of the question. With a script that cycles through network ranges, checks if a IP responds to a SNMP query, returns the device type and identifying the printers, I could automate the generation of the Nagios configuration file and finish in about 90 minutes.
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