


Plugin written as bash script to check the health of iptables and the rules in there. It performs several check:
* checks command ($DEF_IPT and $DEF_IPS) and rulefiles ($DEF_IPT_RFILE and $DEF_IPS_RFILE), returns 3 in case of error
* checks if iptables command can be called with no error,
if not return 2
* checks INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT and returns 2 if
no rules are found in chain AND default policy is NOT
according to $DEF_POL_XXX
* checks every chain for $DEF_POL_XXX and returns 1 in error case
* checks iptables -L -n output and compares to a rules
file returns 1 if rules in place are not the same than
in the file
* checks ipset definitions and compares the actual rules
to a rules file ($DEF_IPS_RFILE) returns 1 upon error

The script is quite strict. If only the order of rules in iptables change compared to rules config, the script issues a WARNING

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x




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Project Notes
* Prequisites * nagios (>=3), icigna, iptables, ipset, bash ... * see here for ( more complete list * it might run with other shells than bash although not tested with others * it should work with older versions of nagios (<3) too.[[BR]]As this plugin can return several lines it's recommended to use >=3 because only from this version onward multiline support for return values is included * On which platforms does it run? * it should run in most Unix-Linux enviorements * currently only tested on debian-squeeze but as long as ( the prequisites are satisfied it should run on almost every NIX :-) * Common pitfalls: * nagios user cannot access the command files * ensure a non-root user can run the code ( * consistency check always fails * generate rule file content ( >> iptables -L -n > $DEF_IPT_RFILE ipset -L > $DEF_IPS_RFILE >> * if you use fail2ban (or similar software) see ( * plugin does nothing * don't forget that the plugin is NOT running as root but (mostly) as nagios. Ensure that nagios is allowed to access the commands and files needed * test as user nagios ( >> su nagios -s /bin/bash -c /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_iptables >>
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