Websites, Forms and Transactions



The aim of this nagios plugin is to download a web page with all his content ( internals links only – maybe with option in a futur release ).

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 22, 2009

Compatible With

Project Notes
Main features: * Ruby small script, easy to understand and hack ... * http/https * Use the powerful and simple hpricot lib to parse html * Multi-thread * Keyword check * Follow redirections Can anyone tell me if the script is well running on nagios 1.x or 3.x ?
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Is running on ngios 3 (icinga 1.7.1).
by dsteiner, June 30, 2012

The script is working fine with nagios 3.x respective icinga 1.7.1. But I had to change following line: print "|time="+sprintf("%.2f", totalTime)+"s, size="+"#{reports['totalSize']/1000}"+"KB;#{timeWarn};#{timeCritical};0;#{REQUEST_TIMEOUT}" to print "|time="+sprintf("%.2f", totalTime)+"s;#{timeWarn};#{timeCritical};0;#{REQUEST_TIMEOUT}, size="+"#{reports['totalSize']/1000}"+"KB" The performance was not showing the warning values on the proper location.

change to use Nokogiri.
by maxidea, November 30, 2010

I got error "parse.rb:33: [BUG] Segmentation fault" when I using Hpricot to parsing HTML... So I change to use Nokogiri. The creator of Hpricot, recently posted that you should better use Nokogiri instead of HPricot

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4.7 (3)