check_ups_snmp 2


check_ups_snmp is a Nagios plugin to check by snmp a ups status with CS121 and other snmp card adapters.
With performance data

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x



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Project Notes
2013, Daniel Dueñas Domingo ( Description: check_ups_snmp is a Nagios plugin to check by snmp a ups status with CS121 and other snmp card adapters. With performance data Instalation: requirements: - Net-SNMP This plugin is a linux script, to install, copy it into the path of nagios plugins (usually in / usr / local / nagios / libexec ) and define a command in nagios command.cfg file. Definition example in command.cfg nagios : define command { command_name check_ups_snmp command_line $ USER1 $ / $ HOSTADDRESS -H $ ARG1 $ -p -C $ ARG2 $ - w $ ARG3 $ - c $ ARG4 $ register 1 } Once done , we must define a service for each parameter to be monitored in the service configuration file : define service { host_name UPS_1 service_description ups_alarm use ups_template check_command check_ups_snmp ! snmp ! ups_alarm 0, 0, ! -d / usr / local / nagios / libexec / mibs register 1 } For correct use of ups_alarm option, including mibs in the /mibs directory are needed , they are needed to correctly interpret of the alarms that can give for snmp ups , in this case , as seen in the example of defining service , copy mibs files on path '/usr/local/nagios/libexec/mibs' but could be anywhere else . Pnp4nagios graphics templates are included, for install it, you must copy the file check_ups_snmp.php in '/share/templates' in pnp4nagios home directory. Use: ./ -H -p
Reviews (3) Add a Review
by Oliveira da Silva, March 31, 2018

Work very well!

CRITICAL - Such alarms present |'alarms'=Such
by ask, December 31, 2016

[root@xxxx libexec]# ./ -H xxxxx -C xxxxxx -p ups_alarm CRITICAL - Such alarms present |'alarms'=Such I am getting above error and I checked in ups but no alarms and I removed logs also but no use. Can any one help me where i did mistake. Thanks in advance.

Really useful, thanks
by stephanhughson, February 28, 2015

Hi, This is great, thanks so much. Works perfectly and gets loads of useful information.

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4.6 (5)