Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth



This script will output the Internet Connection Speed using speedtest-cli to Nagios.

You need to have installed speedtest-cli on your system first and ensured that it is
working by calling “speedtest –simple”.

See here: for info about speedtest-cli

Please see the help from the script for more details.

Any issues, please report them on the GitHub page:

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x




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Project Notes
Reviews (9) Add a Review
*broken* speedtest-cli depreciated
by TheITguy21, March 31, 2023

speedtest-cli dos'nt work anymore as Ookla decommissionned the server lists urls. The new url is and is json formatted. I released on Nagios Exchange a new Nagios plugin "check_speedtest" based on this excellent legacy check_speedtest-cli by Jon Witts, which now work with genuine "speedtest" cli bby Ookla, no need to use speedtest-cli anymore. Check it out !

Yes it tests the internet speed, but nagios is missing graph
by JVD, July 31, 2021

I installed this script and it works, i get the ping, upload & download speed. So far so good! But it has no graph, is there a way to activate the graph in Nagios? All other plugins show a graph.

needs update
by wpyung, April 30, 2021

I am using this via the docker container just hit this problem whereby the script nolonger works so I did the wget of to /opt/Custom-Nagios-Plugins and also had to modify STb in and copy in the file speedtest would be nice if someone could update the docker container Peter

Very helpful - with minor tweak
by bige40wings, October 31, 2020

I know it's a bit outdated, but thank you for submitting this! It looks like a recent upgrade made it a requirement to specify a single server to use for the speed test. When using an internal server, this makes sense. But when doing an external speed test, I found that limiting to a single server is problematic, and was creating false alarms in Nagios when that particular server went down. I was able to tweak the script so the $SEs argument is required only if $Loc is set to 'i'. And updated the speedtest commands accordingly: if [ -z $SEs ]; then echo "No specific server defined" command=$($STb/speedtest --simple) else command=$($STb/speedtest --server=$SEs --simple) fi

Nice script and really useful
by ytaborda17, November 30, 2017

I used the manual installation in my CentOS server, downloaded the file, give permissions to execution, but then I had two issues, the first one in line 170 you need to add the path to the python script: STb="/usr/local/bin" the check tells you that, but then, depending on your installation, you may need to change the command in line 275 adn 280, in my case I had to change this: $($STb/speedtest --server=$SEs --simple) with this: $($STb/speedtest-cli --server=$SEs --simple) From there on, the check works beautibully. Thanks Jon Witts!

Request for Change
by TrollFarmer, January 31, 2017

The script works very wel. There is only one point you should change. The comparison in the IF statements will not work optimal. I had to change the If statements to something like this: if [ $(echo $upload '

Combined with graphing, this is invaluable.
by Jedimaster0, December 31, 2016

You do job good.

Very nice script
by siggi, March 31, 2014

Would be much better if "server" option would be added!

This plugin works as expected, thanks!
by elpatron, January 31, 2014

Easy to install und use, clean performace data, tested with Nagios 4.0.2 and PNP 0.6.21 (Debian wheezy). Unfortunately, ping response times from seem to be much too big (by the factor of 10)?

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