

Because of my work I had to write a little PHP script to integrate with Nagios. It works checking local RRD databases (Nagios and Cacti on same computer for example) for incoming or outgoing transfer rates.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 16, 2009

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Project Notes
I think that this script can be useful to others, so I want to known if it can be enhanced / corrected to be included in a future release. The script, a configuration command file definition, and a demo host are attached to this e-mail. Saludos. Pablo. Pd> Sorry for my bad English. Pd2> ---------------------- help output ------------------------------------ $ check_rrdtraf.php -h This plugin will check the incoming/outgoing transfer rates of a router, switch, etc recorded in an Cacti rrd database By Pablo Armando (c) 2009 Usage: check_rrdtraf [-h] -f rrd_file -I|-O -w min_warning -W max_warning -c min_critial -C max_critical Example: check_rrdtraf -f /var/lib/cacti/rra/mx_1_traffic_in_239.rrd -w 1000 -W 2000 -c 4000 -C 4500 -I This checks if the input traffic (-I) is between 1000 and 2000kbps. If this is true a warning message will be fired. If the input traffic is between 4000 and 4500kbps then a critic message will be fired -h Show this help -f full path to rrd database -I check input traffic from incoming data source -O check output trafic from outgoing data source -w start of warning range - Required -W end of warning range - Required -c start of critic range - Required -C end of critic range - Required The values for -w, -W, -c, and -C are expresed in kbps
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