

Opswise/Universal Automation Center is a product of Stonebranch.
This Python script checks status of all Opswise/UAG agents and alerts if any agent is “Offline”. Based on Stonebranch’s provided CLI program. Used with Nagios Core.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 4.x



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Project Notes
PreReqs: 1. Python2.7 or above, but below python3.X. Python module argparse required. Tested on RHEL6. 2. Stonebranch's provided CLI program: ops-agent-status 5.2.0 Level 2 Release Build 141 02/16/15 08:31:07 xps 5.2.0 Level 4 Build 110 02/16/15 08:30:42 Installation: 1. Make sure you've met the PreReqs. Edit this script and set you python path. 2. Edit this script and set your Opswise environments to variable: parser.add_argument. Sample config provided for environments: dev, test, acc & prod. Add more if needed. Set your port, unless used default (7878). 3. Copy this script and the ops-agent-status program to your Nagios "libexec" dir, making sure appropriate permissions are set for your "nagios" user. 4. Test the script, I.e: [nagios@nagios_server libexec]$./ ops-agent-status prod OK: All UAG agents online. 5. If passed, configure Nagios. Example for configs in services.cfg and commands.cfg below. # Sample config for services.cfg: #OPSWISE OpsCli command check ops-agent-status: define service{ use generic-service name check_opswise_agent-status_prod host_name opswiseprod1,opswiseprod2 service_description OPSWISE OpsCli command check ops-agent-status servicegroups prod_group check_command check_opswise_agent-status_prod! max_check_attempts 1 check_interval 5 check_period workhours_7-18 contact_groups admins notifications_enabled 1 notification_options u,c,r } # Sample config for commands.cfg: define command{ command_name check_opswise_agent-status_prod command_line $USER1$/ ops-agent-status prod }
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