


This plugin checks nagios performance data by parsing the nagios status.dat file, which is expected to be located at

This version runs stable with host and service latency check on my nagios 3.2.2. Anyway, this plugin is far from being finished. Take care and send mail in case of questions.

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Project Notes
Version: 20121031 ______ ATTENTION: I'm no longer using nagios, therefore I stopped maintaining this plugin. I will take care of detailed bug reports, but cannot test anything. Anyone using nagios want to take over this plugin? Please contact me by mail (this platform is missing a notification feature...). _____ This plugin checks nagios performance data by parsing the nagios status.dat file, which is expected to be located at "/usr/local/nagios/var/status.dat". Only service check latency and host check latency are implemented ATM. I plan to do more checks in future, please send bug reports or feature requests by mail. options: -s|--service_latency -o|--host_latency -w|--warning -c|--critical -f|--file --hostcount --servicecount -h|--help: print help -v|--verbose: print verbose (testing) output Examples: To check host latency: check_nagiostats -o -w 200 -c 500 To check service latency: check_nagiostats -s -w 200 -c 500 Attention: warning and critical always checks max_latency, not avg or min. Does it make sense to send out alarms based on avg then on max? To count checked services: check_nagiostats --servicecount(there is no warning or critical) To count checked hosts: check_nagiostats --hostcount (there is no warning or critical)
Reviews (3) Add a Review
servicecount warning/critical
by murilobaliego, March 31, 2017

Hi, thanks for this pluging, as was searching for a pluging as I'm using one Nagios server to monitor other Nagios Servers. I just changed the subroutine check_s_count() to show warning if any service is warning, same idea to critical services. sub check_s_count(){ my $line; my $counter_service_checks=0; my $counter_warning=0; my $counter_critical=0; open (FILE, $file) or die $!; $/ = ""; foreach $line(){ if($line=~/servicestatus/){ $counter_service_checks++; } if($line=~/plugin_output/){ if($line=~/WARNING/){ $counter_warning++; } } if($line=~/plugin_output/){ if($line=~/CRITICAL/){ $counter_critical++; } } } close (FILE); # filling vars for print $text=("Service Checks: $counter_service_checks - Service Warning: $counter_warning - Service Critial: $counter_critical"); $perfdat=("count=$counter_service_checks"); # this ugly thing is needed to return OK: $warning=2; $critical=3; $value=1; if($counter_warning>0){ $value=$warning; } if($counter_critical>0){ $value=$critical; } }

Excellent plugin
by jose-martins, July 31, 2011

Got to use it straight out of the box. Keep up the good work.

by xoroz, December 31, 2010

Very cool plugin! Could add: the output should be just one line the output should have OK,WARNING,CRITICAL key words

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