


This is Nagios plugin for Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU using RS232/RS485. It can be used to monitor PLCs and any other industrial devices supported Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU.

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Project Notes
This is Nagios plugin for Modbus TCP and RTU. Added many useful features: - support of IPv6 / IPv4 - support of DNS names - serial port connections (RS232 and RS485) with Modbus RTU (when compiled with libmodbus >= 3.0.0) - support of many data formats (unsigned/signed int16_t, int32_t, float, double) - support of several data orders (LSB, MSB and some others) - retries can be sent to get reliable answer - supports performance data - supports creation dump of the registers in different formats (binary, hexadecimal, decimal) - support binary dump as an input source for data (useful for off-line data) - separate lock files for input and output The lastest version can be found here https://github.com/AndreySV/check_modbus.
Reviews (4) Add a Review
Great plugin!
by fearstrider, October 31, 2018

I needed to make friends of ICP DAS (PET-7253) with Nagios3. Namely, to read discrete inputs. 1: OK, 0: Critical. The plugin did a great job! Thanks!!

Need to add more feature in this Plugin
by kumarshanu, April 30, 2018

Hi.. Need to add some more functionalities like MODBUS parsing As of now plugin only capable to poll data ,but using this we can not parse data.Please modify this so we can easily monitor individual parameters using check commands..

very large coverage
by invitu, September 30, 2015

a perfect plugin that can do calculation on values

Need a ModBus RTU/RS485 Plugin
by marcof, October 31, 2012

Hi, I read in the description you could write a plugin for ModBus RTU / RS485. I need one :-) I've connected the RS485 directly to the nagios server by a comserver (serial over ethernet) modpoll is working so far... So the plugin should be able to just use a /dev/tty device. thanks marco

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4.6 (5)