

This plugin is checking timestamp of the last table update (on the slave side) and comparing it with the current system time.

It is suitable for checking MASTER-SLAVE
and MASTER-MASTER replication.

– latest mk-heartbeat (
– Python MySQL connector (

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x


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Project Notes
This plugin is checking timestamp of the last table update (on the slave side) and comparing it with the current system time. You must choose server_id, warning and critical interval in seconds. The latest version of mk-heartbeat should be installed and running with options: --update --daemonize The heartbeat table should be such: CREATE TABLE heartbeat ( ts varchar(26) NOT NULL, server_id int unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, file varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, -- SHOW MASTER STATUS position bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL, -- SHOW MASTER STATUS relay_master_log_file varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, -- SHOW SLAVE STATUS exec_master_log_pos bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL -- SHOW SLAVE STATUS ); (latest mk-heartbeat can create this table via option '--create-table') Requirements: - latest mk-heartbeat ( - Python MySQL connector ( Example usage: 1) MASTER -> SLAVE Replication: 1. Run on MASTER mk-heartbeat: mk-heartbeat -u heartbeat -p hfnLgg1 -D my_db --update --daemonize (or with --create-table if you run mk-heartbeat in first time) 2. Check table data: mysql -u heartbeat -phfnLgg1 my_db -e "select * from heartbeat"; +----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------+-----------------------+---------------------+ | ts | server_id | file | position | relay_master_log_file | exec_master_log_pos | +----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------+-----------------------+---------------------+ | 2012-12-23T20:14:18.000960 | 1 | MASTER-bin.000004 | 944011 | NULL | NULL | +----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------+-----------------------+---------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 3. Run on SLAVE: $ user:heartbeat pw:hfnLgg1 db:my_db host:localhost sid:1 warn:60 crit:120 Output: SLAVE OK: 0.23 seconds behind master (warn - 60.00, crit - 120.00), master_log_file = MASTER-bin.000004, master_log_pos = 944011 2) MASTER <-> MASTER Replication: 1. Run on each MASTER: mk-heartbeat -u heartbeat -p hfnLgg1 -D my_db --update --daemonize (by default mk-heartbeat uses server_id of local mysql server, so you do not have to worry - mk-heartbeat data are not mixed) 2. Check each SLAVE: $ user:heartbeat pw:hfnLgg1 db:my_db host:localhost sid:1 warn:60 crit:120 where 'sid' - server_id of MASTER for current SLAVE. LAST CHANGES: - Fixed plugin OUTPUT (old version shows wrong master_log_file and master_log_pos) - Fixed UNKNOWN state (old version shows UNKNOWN sate on MASTER-SLAVE replication)
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