

A plugin to check if the ldap server is working

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 18, 2009

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Project Notes
LDAP Monitor for Nagios version 1.0 GPL licence, (c)2006-2007 De Bodt Lieven Usage: ./check_ldap.pl -H -l login -x passwd -p -s -t -V -h, --help print this help message -H, --hostname=HOST name or IP address of host to check -l, --login=LOGIN Login for ldap authentication (if not specified ./check_ldap.pl uses anonymous) -x, --passwd=PASSWD Password for ldap authentication -p, --port=PORT LDAP port (Default 389) -s, --ssl LDAPS (Default false, if true, default port is 636 ) -t, --timeout=INTEGER timeout in seconds (Default: 15) -V, --version prints version number Note : The script will return OK if we are able to connect and bind to the LDAP server, WARNING if we are able to connect but not bind to the LDAP server CRITICAL if we aren't able to connect to the LDAP server
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Need to modification to enable TLSv1.2
by acecile, October 31, 2024

In case the script just fails with CRITICAL and no error msg, it is because $ldap has not be created due to SSL cipher negociation problem. Patch below fixes the issue: --- check_ldap.pl.orig 2024-11-01 09:43:44.616030489 +0100 +++ check_ldap.pl 2024-11-01 09:43:51.356022937 +0100 @@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ } } else { if (defined($o_port)) { - $ldap = Net::LDAPS->new( $o_host, port => $o_port, version => 3, timeout => $o_timeout ); + $ldap = Net::LDAPS->new( $o_host, port => $o_port, version => 3, timeout => $o_timeout, sslversion => 'tlsv1_2' ); } else { - $ldap = Net::LDAPS->new( $o_host, port => $o_ldaps_port, version => 3, timeout => $o_timeout ); + $ldap = Net::LDAPS->new( $o_host, port => $o_ldaps_port, version => 3, timeout => $o_timeout, sslversion => 'tlsv1_2' ); } }

Works as expected
by elpatron, January 31, 2018

Thanks, no prolems here. My Debian needed a `sudo apt-get install libnet-ldap-perl`.

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4.5 (2)