

Simple dirty check_iis plugin for collecting statistics from IIS with snmp.

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Last Release Date

June 22, 2009

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Simple dirty perl check_iis plugin for collecting statistics from IIS with snmp. This is an example for those who can write plugins to do a better plugin for this.
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GUI GIving SNMP Error
by nishith, February 29, 2016

Here is my command output. ./check_iis currentAnonymousUsers 0,maxAnonymousUsers 4,currentConnections 0,maxConnections 98,|'currentAnonymousUsers'=0 'maxAnonymousUsers'=4 'currentConnections'=0 But, configuring the same in nagios configuration gives below error. SNMP error, plugin missing? Really don't know how to make it worked...!?

How to get this working
by sfiedler, December 31, 2013

Test it first from the nagios ssh. check_iis has 2 things you need to configure: @indata=`snmpwalk -Os -v 1 -c public $ARGV[0]`; Change the community string. $defconf="/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_iis-std.conf"; Check the location for this file and make sure the file exists there. The defaults are good enough, I personally was only interested in anonymous connections, so I removed the rest. You need perl. Every nagios server I have used has perl and a lot of other scripts anyways. on the nagios ssh console, run chmod +x to the file so it is executable and test it: ./check_iis "ipaddress" It should return the values you specified in check_iis-std.conf Move the files to the nagios plugin directory. Make sure you change the path for $defconf to where you put check_iis-std.conf Now it depends on how familiar you are with Nagios configuration. I used nagiosql, and the command definition needs to be like this: /usr/bin/perl $USER1$/check_iis $HOSTADDRESS$ Without specifying the perl path it returned with "Service check did not exit properly", with the path to perl it is displaying the correct information.

How to use this plugin
by luke, April 30, 2013

Hi all. i m searching all this days to find a litlle bit on how to use this plugin and i m finding nothing. if you have something from this plugin i m very intresting. thanks for the community and thanks for the producter of this plugins :)

Making it work
by egalstad, January 31, 2013

It worked for me with a few changes: diff check_iis.orig check_iis 1a2 > # nagios: -epn 9c10 @indata=`/usr/bin/snmpwalk -Os -v 1 -c public $ARGV[0]`; 83c84 print "|$perf ";

by ghemeon, May 31, 2012

How would you actually use this plugin?

we need input
by century, May 31, 2012

hi, it sounds interesting but an how-to-use-it will be great. i think you use it on the server to check , maybe with a nrpelistener ? in this case i suppose you need perl on your server ? could you enlight us ? thanks

by nagiosUser, January 31, 2012

could you please help on how the command could be created for this plugin

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