Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth


Nagios plugin to check interface error count OIDs via SNMP, caching the result and alerting if the user defined threshold in the user defined timeframe is reached.

– Checks operational state of the interface as well. Works with Counter32 and HexString values;
– Returns perfdata;
– Supports preset OIDs;

Caveats / todo:
– Supports SNMPv1 only.
– For simplicity uses filesystem mtime
– Tested with Python 2.6, 2.7 (should work with 2.4, though)
– Needs python > 2.6, pysnmp > 4.2.5, python-argparse. On older systems use ‘pip’ or easy_install to get get a corresponding version of pysnmp if the package system’s version is too old.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x



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Project Notes
$ ./ -h usage: [-h] -H HOST [-C COMMUNITY] [-o OID] [-O IFOID] [-S IFUPSTATE] [--warnifdown] [--okifdown] [-i INTERFACE] [--preset PRESET] [-P PORT] [-w WARNING] [-c CRITICAL] [-t TIME] [-s SCRATCH] [-p] [-d] [-T] [-V] Nagios plugin, interned to check error count OIDs via SNMP. A non-zero exit code is generated, if the counter delta exceeds the waring / critical values inthe evaluation time period. Additionally the plugin checks for the interface state if arguments --ifoid and --ifupsate are supplied. The plugin will exit critical/warning if the the interface is down.Recommendation: Use longer check_intervals with a low recheck count. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -H HOST, --host HOST SNMP Agent IP / hostname -C COMMUNITY, --community COMMUNITY Read community name (default: "public") -o OID, --oid OID Error count base OID -O IFOID, --ifoid IFOID Interface base OID -S IFUPSTATE, --ifupstate IFUPSTATE Expected interface operational state (integer) --warnifdown Exit with warning instead of critical if interface is down --okifdown Exit with ok instead of critical if interface is down -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE Interface number. Appended to the base OID --preset PRESET Use OID preset -P PORT, --port PORT SNMP port -w WARNING, --warning WARNING Warning threshold (Count) -c CRITICAL, --critical CRITICAL Critical threshold (Count) -t TIME, --time TIME Evaluation time period. (in hours, default 24h) -s SCRATCH, --scratch SCRATCH Scratch / temp base directory. Must exist. (default: /tmp) -p, --perfdata Print performance data, (default: off) -d, --debug Verbose mode -T, --test Run test case; needs WAN connection -V, --version show program's version number and exit Currently only SNMPv1 and plain OIDs are supported. Needs python > 2.6, pysnmp > 4.2.5, python-argparseThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or at your option) any later version. Author: Daniel Helgenberger
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