HP (Compaq)



check_hp_bladechassis is a plugin for Nagios which checks the hardware health of HP blade enclosures via SNMP. The plugin is only tested with the c7000 enclosure.

Current Version


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Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x

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Project Notes

This plugin is designed to be a companion plugin to check_dell_bladechassis in terms of supported options and functionality. The information that can be gathered via SNMP from these enclosures is different than that of Dell enclosures, so the plugins will differ in output.

The plugin queries the monitored host remotely via SNMP. It is written in perl and requires the perl module Net::SNMP. Otherwise, the monitored host must be running SNMP, and the Nagios server must be allowed to communicate with the enclosure over SNMP. The -H or --hostname option is needed for the hostname/IP you want to check.

The plugin will optionally collect performance data. Performance data in this case is total power consumption in Watts.

$ check_hp_bladechassis -H my-bladecenter1
OK - System: 'BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure', SN: 'XXXXXXXXXX', Firmware: '2.41', hardware working fine, 14 blades, 6 i/o modules

If there is an error, the plugin will report it:

$ check_hp_bladechassis -H my-bladecenter1
Fan 2 condition is Failed

There are many options available to alter the behaviour of this plugin. See the web page for more information.

NOTE: This plugin is only tested against the c7000 enclosure. If you use this plugin against other enclosures, I would like to hear about it, whether the plugin runs successfully or not.

Reviews (4) Add a Review
by rickepnet, July 31, 2013

This is a very nice easy to use plugin work the first time.

Appears to work on a C3000 Blade Chassis
by dceola, July 31, 2013

Just configured this script (July 25 2013) to monitor my two BLC3000 units. Appears to work! nagios@occ-nagios:/usr/local/nagios/libexec$ ./check_hp_bladechassis -H -C Public -i -v -s -e OK - System: 'BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure', SN: 'MySNRemoved', Firmware: '2.25', hardware working fine, 4 blades, 3 i/o modules

by steffan, June 30, 2012

This script/plugin whatever you want to call it. is just in one word "Awesome". It just works "out-of-the-box" (i already had perl-net-snmp installed). It outputs all the usefull information that i need from the chassis. The only downside i see, is that on our C7000 enclosure it does not output any errors when a harddrive in a blade server goes bad. BUT this i cant see from the chassis' ilo webinterface either, so i cant really see how this plugin should be able to.. (i set up a secondary check with a different plugin on every blade to do this for me..) So i just want to say thank you ALOT to the user who made and shared this!

check_hp_bladechassis Review
by emjga, November 30, 2010

Very well written Plug-in that works first time with out having to make any changes to existing Nagios config or to the Blades we where waiting to monitor. Like the fact that it all so has built in Perf for Power Usage , which is nice. Would recommend for any body who needs to monitor HP Blade Controllers

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Project Stats
4.6 (11)