


Novell DirXML 1.1 and NetIQ Identity Manager 2.x/3.x/4.x driver state detector plugin for Nagios. Basically a wrapper for “dxcmd -getstate”.

Current Version

v2.1, 2014-03-18

Last Release Date

June 12, 2009

Compatible With

Project Notes
Usage: check_dxml_drvstate [-s ] -u , -p -d [-i] [--tw --tc [--tree ]] Usage: check_dxml_drvstate [-h | --help | -?] Novell DirXML and Novell/NetIQ Identity Manager driver state detector plugin for Nagios/Icinga Version 2.1, 2014-03-18 -s, --server DirXML/IDM server IP or hostname, e.g. or Leave out this option to check drivers running on the same machine as nrpe. --edirport eDirectory (NCP) port. Defaults to 524 if not specified. --ldapmode TLS, SSL or CLEAR. Defaults to TLS if not specified --ldapport LDAP port. Defaults to 636 if not specified and LDAP mode is SSL. Defaults to 389 if not specified and LDAP mode is TLS or CLEAR. -u, --username Account used to check driver state, ldap typed syntax, e.g. cn=admin,o=novell -p, --password Password in cleartext (good reason to use a restriced account :-) -d, --driver Driver to check, ldap typed syntax, cn=drv_test,cn=my_driverset,o=system -i, --invert Invert return codes to monitor inactive backup servers in a driverset. A running driver will return STATE_CRITICAL (2), a stopped one STATE_OK (0) --tw Max TAO file size before STATE_WARNING (1) will be reported --tc Max TAO file size before STATE_CRITICAL (2) will be reported If neither --tw and --tc are set, TAO file size checking will be disabled (--tw/--tc parameters are deprecated: use --csw/--csc instead) --csw Max cache size before STATE_WARNING (1) will be reported --csc Max cache size before STATE_CRITICAL (2) will be reported If neither --csw and --csc are set, cache size checking will be disabled (--csw/--csc parameters replace --tw/--tc; cache size is TAO file size minus 72 bytes) --caw Max cache age (in seconds) before STATE_WARNING (1) will be reported --cac Max cache age (in seconds) before STATE_CRITICAL (2) will be reported If neither --caw and --cac are set, cache size checking will be disabled --hbw Max time in seconds since last publisher heartbeat before STATE_WARNING (1) will be reported --hbc Max time in seconds since last publisher heartbeat before STATE_CRITICAL (2) will be reported If neither --hbw and --hbc are set, publisher heartbeat checking will be disabled Please note that a schema extension and a special publisher event transform policy on the driver are necessary to support heartbeat checking --hbattr LDAP name of the attr that stores the last publisher heartbeat timestamp if a non-default schema extension is used --tjw Max time in seconds since last trigger job before STATE_WARNING (1) will be reported --tjc Max time in seconds since last trigger job before STATE_CRITICAL (2) will be reported If neither --tjw and --tjc are set, trigger job checking will be disabled Please note that a schema extension and a special subscriber event transform policy on the driver are necessary to support trigger job checking --tjattr LDAP name of the attr that stores the last trigger job timestamp if a non-default schema extension is used --tree Treename of the driver to be checked. Only needed with TAO file size monitoring on edir 8.8 running multiple instances. If not set, the first instance reported by ndsconfig get will be used --short print short output, omit driver and file names --br Add
tags to output for better readability in HTML display --nl Add line breaks to output for better readability in console/file output --bindir Directory where dxcmd and ndsconfig binaries are located -v, --verbose Verbose output, -vv writes extra debug messages to /var/log/check_dxml_drvstate.log -l, --logfile Logfile to write debug messages to instead of default -o, --overwrite Overwrite log file on each run -h, -?, --help This help screen Many thanks to David Gersic for adding multi-instance edir support, basic HA cluster support, custom LDAP/NDAP port parameters and more. And to Joachim Plahl for the original event time checking code and pointing my nose on using dxcmd stats to finally support remote cache age and size checks. Please report bugs to .
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